>_> Yeah double dash sucked a giant wang. Except for the co-op. I really liked that.
Kirby air ride > MKD any day. Still not a brilliant game though Dan
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>_> Yeah double dash sucked a giant wang. Except for the co-op. I really liked that.
Kirby air ride > MKD any day. Still not a brilliant game though Dan
Megadanxzero said:
No... Its just that super circuit is actually a Mario Kart game, rather than a Mario OH MY GOD HES IN A GIANT TRUCK THING!!!11 game...
So, GAME & SET, to Sought
Although I DO agree about the giant truck thing
( Edited on 03.09.2006 18:36 by Sought The Poltercow )
I abhor Double Dash...but I can't stand Air Ride either. Both were potential mega-hits and both completely failed to meet expectations, in my opinion. I held high hopes for KAR when it was originally shown for the N64, then it disappeared, finally resurfacing as a shadow of the first iteration in its GC format.
BUT, it sold massively in Japan and the US, so do NOT be surprised if we see a new version using Wii controls in the future.
Sought The Poltercow said:
oh except of course that horrible game Super Circuit
Whoa...hold up there a second! You're talking about this wonderful game?
jesusraz said:
Whoa...hold up there a second! Youre talking about this wonderful game?
Either something is wrong with me, or there's something wrong with everyone else, & I think it's the latter
I really despise that game, I cannot find a single fun/good thing about it except the graphics. & I'll be shocked if you gave it 8/10 'cos of th graphics, so I don't think it's that!
Can someone PLEASE explain to me HOW Super Circuit is such a great game! For me it's one of the only 4 things I've EVER wanted to sell, but for everyone else it's like some kind of masterpiece!
Maybe you mean it was good while it lasted? I still found it boring to unlock & complete everything, but after that the replayvalue is less than zilch, once I tried to force myself to play & enjoy it, but I COULDN'T
I could see Kirby's Air Ride happening again on Wii, but you think maybe bad fan responses put them off?
Oh well, I'm sure they can fix any problems the GC game had if they wanted to try again
I'd love to know what people hate so much about Kirby Air Ride >_> The levels are far more interesting than anything in any other racing game, the different stars are actually DIFFERENt rather than just being faster or slower tan one another, you can FLY... I mean that instantly makes it better than any other racing game.
Personally I love top-ride mode and everyone else seems to hate it <.<
To be honest, I don't really have an opinion on it, as I played it once in Hamleys basement & never played it again, I think I played City mode (or whatever it's called) & it seemed quite fun, you could RUN AROUND, but yeah, I found it quite fun the only bad point would be that I found the controls a bit tricky, but I only played it for 5 mins.
Well, I completely know how you feel, after all, I AM a Sonic fanboy
City Trial mode thing was the most flawed thing EVER
You spend like 5 minutes collecting pieces for a craf, and get a random event, and chances are you've gone and made a heavy vehicle and are asked to win a gliding event.
Well it does give you a hint as to what even you're going to do... You just sucked at it
Infact now that you mention Sonic I've just realised... I always love games that other people hate >.> I just happen to notice real quality when I see it!!
Megadanxzero said:
Well it does give you a hint as to what even youre going to do... You just sucked at itInfact now that you mention Sonic Ive just realised... I always love games that other people hate >.> I just happen to notice real quality when I see it!!
Yeah but half the time, the hint comes too late, or it's bloody wrong <_<
Anyway it was still a shit mode.
Megadanxzero said:
Infact now that you mention Sonic Ive just realised... I always love games that other people hate >.> I just happen to notice real quality when I see it!!
Sonic Adventure is one of the best games I've ever played! THERE! I SAID IT!!! >,<