*This post is in reply to Soundworks' original post.*
Soundworks, I agree with you in many ways. I am tired of seeing remakes and continuous redesigns for the games that we've loved--the Marios, Sonics, Tekkens, Donkey Kongs, and more. This has essentially made gaming consoles boring, at times. The 1990s consoles that introduced us to Mario, Donkey Kong, Tekken, Ridge Racers, and more were original. The developers were full of ideas. Now, they are simply buying the rights from the creator to develop the same game again (a la New Super Mario Brothers [SMB+enhanced color+enhanced performance+a few new features=NSMB]). The Wii will need original games like the DS is receiving to become successful. With games like Brain Age, Pheonix Wright, and Nintendogs--Nintendo has already begun the next-generation of gaming. This generation will see remakes in the next gen, and so forth. The Wii will need creative games as the months pass by.
I think that Nintendo is purposely producing older titles to attract more people--they know what to expect so there is no second-guessing. People just don't buy a console because of its features and capabilities. They buy it based on the games that it has to offer. Sure, Zelda and Super Monkey Ball might never get un-entertaining. But, it is true that newer games will be needed.