Looks good and pretty cheao to make seen as the Wiimote slides into it. Can't wait to start blasting stuff!
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Looks good and pretty cheao to make seen as the Wiimote slides into it. Can't wait to start blasting stuff!
Is it me or could that underside be like apressure-sensitive trigger? Or is it just a normal surface?
Can't see how you fire the damn thing otherwise.
I like it, though!
Do you reckon they should rename the console again to...the Nintendo peripheralii
ok, so my joke was marginally funny, surely...
The plastic looks cheap, and it looks painful to control with that c-stick just above the gun.
I cant wait to be able to play duck hunt again.
It's great. I assume the analogue stick can be used for the reloading trigger, too.
Gotta get me one of those. Will be holding it shotgun style!
A fun little way to 'enhance' your blasting
WTF... This looks almost exactly like a mock-up ign.com made a while back, including the fact the Wiimote slides in it, and the analog stick there! WTF!
I don't want a hand gun, I want a damn pump action shotgun.
Na, I don't want a hand gun either. I was (almost) perfectly happy with the wiimote just shooting at the screen without this... plastic-shotgun-condome...
Here's a link to ign.com for the mock up comparison... Mock-Up Comparison
And what's wrong with condoms?...
But this will make you look even cooler, how can you resist!
it probably used to walk around, look with the wii-mote around you and shoot with the trigger!!!
The Nintendo wii lightgun will teach children how to use guns and how to aim them, and also how to make them...[/jackthompson]
wrong with condoms? Nothing. I just don't want to wrap my Wiitroller in it.
*thinking* may be a good business idea, though...
Lock and load, baby! Niiiiiice!
Bring on the Wiisaber!
ok, so my joke was marginally funny, surely...
That is awesome, but it seems to me that when using the gun you'll only be able to reach the trigger and analogue stick, no buttons are accessable that I can see.
did you guys just copy the picture I posted and then stick your logo on it
Ok, who wants to bet that once the wii is released, load of companies will make gun holders?
Maybe there is hope for a pump action shotgun. After all, all this does is hold the 2 parts.
That looks awesome! This add on alone will make people think twice about calling nintendo kiddy! I can see it now....
"Dude! You just let that sitting around in your room?! What if you're little brother gets it?!"
"Your gun!'
"Gun, what gun? Oh this, that's my game controller."
Ben said:
Brilliant!Bring on the Wiisaber!
when i saw the top of that picture it looked like a dildo then i scrolled down slowly and.... it was a controller!!!
Kangaroo_Kiid said:
That is awesome, but it seems to me that when using the gun youll only be able to reach the trigger and analogue stick, no buttons are accessable that I can see.
If you hold the front barrel as well, you could press all the buttons on the remote.