LeroyZero is a laugh whenever he's chatting on msn, and he made a nice sig for me way back when, and Redking, I don't think he plays games anymore, at least not to any real extent.
I know .
Cept poi
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LeroyZero is a laugh whenever he's chatting on msn, and he made a nice sig for me way back when, and Redking, I don't think he plays games anymore, at least not to any real extent.
I know .
Cept poi
There's also Keza, she wrote a couple of freelance articles for Cubed3 last year I think.
THE BITCH!!!!!1111!
I mean, nice one, good on the girl.
EDIT: Unless it was Gamespy or IGN in which case, daft bint comes to mind.
EDIT again: I've worked in a kitchen for too long, becoming nasty
( Edited on 19.02.2006 01:06 by Frazzle )
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
A UK Magazine, can't remember which. I think Raz found out by noticing a quote from her on the Game website and mentioned it in the Staff Forum... or something...
Edit: Has Rob
Yeah, Rob1 has been back, if only to slate Coldplay because noone else would ever fucking dare to say negative things about the band.
The man had guts.
They tasted nice with some BBQ sauce too.
Oops! Too much info! *Smoke grenade*
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
DaOne, how's things for Lee at home. Have they got better?
yo legoking does silvernintendo ring a bell? Well yeah it is DEAD!
Ah, some of those names bring back good conversations and reasons why I stayed on C3.
Yeah I'm here. been on nearly every day since the crash, but I just guess I have other commitments now.
I think Keza still writes the odd article for C3, just never posts or visits the forums. I believe James still has contact with her, but like someone said, she's a full paid games journo.
Sumacol did a thread in which he said he was leaving for a bit, and he actualy stuck to his word and hasn't returned. I'm pretty sure he's some relation to jb (cousin?), and it was a shame to see him go. Liked the guy a lot.
BEAM, well it goes without saying really. Forum legend with his huge fanboy-ness, but if I remmeber correctly, he kind of got into other thins (as in interests) in the last few months on C3, and he had some stupidly hard course at Uni to focus on, plus coming to terms with the fact that he owned a non-Nintendo console, and enjoyed it. He was a nice guy.
I miss LeroyZero probably the most. Even more sarcastic with than Mr. Ward on these foums, and I used to enjoy reading his conversatons with the likes of mseny, raindog and gastrian. Funny bloke.
Loads of others, including
Masterhunter (come and go?)
Reeferman (who I believe went out with a big of an uncalled for 'bang')
some of those names though... good good times...
LeroyZero, Beam, jump_button.
*breaks down*
edit: FUCK! the laser guided hat is still around on MSN! bring him back blizz.. bring him baaaaaackkkkkkkk!
( Edited on 19.02.2006 10:57 by theduffman )
strange. none of the colours seem to be working!
yeah.. i too miss white text!
( Edited on 19.02.2006 11:05 by theduffman )
Sumacol! JB's spanish cousin!
Also, Frazz, The Lazer guided hat is actually still around on MSN! Oh, ever so humerous.
Keza was working on gamesTM (before Highbury publishing went bust). She had an interview to re-apply for her job the other day so hopefully she'll be back on the team pretty soon. She's got a piece of content coming up as part of C3's Retro Month.
Other classic names: Baneroonie, James2k3 (although he is back now under 'James', Omusremit, Numpty, Android18a - on the ONM forums now...)
Quite a few others too, but those are some REALLY old ones that show I've been here for too long. JEbUS remains a mystery to me...
Yeah, Android18a's a regular on the ONM forum now...
Keza also had a stint at Kikizo.com, as well as being a guest inclusion on GAME's newsletter at Christmas (which is where I learned about her being at gamesTM).
0musremit, who went to Uni with me, was very eager to get into game journalism, so who knows what he's up to now. He did pop on here sometime last year to say 'well done on keeping up a good site' or something equally pointless.
liamu used to freak me out when C3 first started up as he pretended to be a girl and expressed his 'love' for me on far too many an occasion!
Ah, the days when I used to spend SOOOO much time on our forums and regularly got top honours for being the most twisted member in the yearly awards we used to do!
Baneroonie, James2k3 (although he is back now under 'James', Omusremit,
Baneroonie is still around, posts daily on NHQ and is a cracking bloke. Omusremit, well he had bad history with the owner of NHQ and last I heard he was lurking around his own forum posting bizzare shit about NHQ.
Yup I'm back... been posting again for a lil while
Anyone remember ronnie ... he was funny! A little too out of control though maybe! Does T_c_i still post?
Does T_c_i still post?
Didn't he do that rather odd blog post, or am I thinking of someone else...
Nope, that was T_c_i alright...
Tci is defintly still around.
does Zelos ever post anymore?
the member i miss the most is IKARIWARRIOR.
that dude was such a legend.
Didn't he come back as Dr Hugo before leaving with a small bang?
The crash? What crash?!
I'm posting less and less everyday now, most of the time I don't even have access to the internet. Should be back in full swing when my computers fixed though
If I hadnt "retured" would I be getting a metion ?
I liked Masterhunter, I remember having some huge discussions with him regarding 3D Sonic.
Yea, IKARIWARRIOR slandered Gastrian and the Welsh which he didnt take well, then he dissapeared and JB changed his original username to IKdown, and then he came back as Dr_Hugo_Hackenbush, but everyone knew who he was from the moment he started posting (or shortly after), so we just kidna acccepted him as back but never made a massive deal about his username switch.
( Edited on 19.02.2006 17:03 by Redking )
Didn't you get to Eternal Master in a couple of months or something? That's worth a mention in my book