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Fuck it, Oldschool, you are a twat. You haven't posted on this site for ages and as soon as Oni is gone you start posting crap about him, not just in this thread mind you but in others which is quite cowardly and childish especially given the fact that Oni at no point bad-mouthed you while you were away.

The fact is simple, the oni vs Oldschool argument died down after you left and only started when you came back. You like to paint yourself the victim assuming we'll buy it, well I've got news for you WE DON'T. We see you trolling, and I'll admit you are good at hiding it but we still see you for what you are, a pathetic little troll.

You goad people into making rash statements and point it out when they slip up and when they try to defend themselves you go out of your way to try and paint them as the aggressor. I'll be honest I've HATED being involved in the same discussions as you as you always make it personal, disregard other peoples opinions and bog the debate in accusations.

Now of course you are either going to post with an accusation that the moderators are pro-Oni so its inevitable that you got this backlash or you'll act condescending and try to take the high ground with regards to how we've posted.

Well just in case you do and I see no point in replying to either, firstly Oni's been banned and hasn't had it lifted which would be the opposite of what we'd do if we were that pro-Oni and secondly you can't take the higher ground when you were the one that brought it down to this level.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
You like to paint yourself the victim assuming well buy it, well Ive got news for you WE DONT. We see you trolling, and Ill admit you are good at hiding it but we still see you for what you are, a pathetic little troll.

... I'm utterly speechless.. That's just unbelievable.. Even if Oldschool was just that, how the fuck could you 'see him for what he is', but be fooled by Oni's pathetic little act? FFS.. Smilie

You goad people into making rash statements and point it out when they slip up and when they try to defend themselves you go out of your way to try and paint them as the aggressor. I'll be honest I've HATED being involved in the same discussions as you as you always make it personal, disregard other peoples opinions and bog the debate in accusations.

Now of course you are either going to post with an accusation that the moderators are pro-Oni so its inevitable that you got this backlash or you'll act condescending and try to take the high ground with regards to how we've posted.
Yeah we know Oni did that, but we're talking about Oldschool hereSmilie

And in reply to your last paragraph; I know for a fact if it was up to just you, Oni wouldn't have been banned, and the only reason he isn't unbanned is because he's leaving for Warehouse8 and doesn't want to come back to C3.. >.>

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Well Matt, nice to see you as well. Good manners will stop me from sinking to your level. Are you going to ban yourself for flaming me?

I replied DIRECTLY to what Oni said about me. If you removed your head from his arse you might see that. There, now I have gone and done what I said I wouldn't do. We both know what you are.

You have no evidence of me ever being disruptive. You flew in the shepherd Oni any time someone (including me) took exception to his trolling. You were the problem. When I left, I didn't flame anyone - unlike Oni.

You are acting as a facist. If someone attacks me, I have the right of reply. You act as if I should just sit idly by and cop it. The breathlessness of your vitriol is appalling.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 15:39 by oldschool )

Temporarily banned until further notice.


Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

You should moderate your tone Gastrian ["Twat"], it's most unbecoming behavior of a mod to be calling members twats just because you feel aggrieved at Oni's departure from the site.{LS]

Im actually going to shut myself after saying this...but I...AGREE...with firefly...fuck that was hard.

Oldschool, Matts right ok...now me and him have had our differances, 1 or 2 arguments, your a fucking twat. I dont give a shit if I get banned again im gona say what I think, mod me to high heaven if you like.

All you did when you were here is try and make arguments with other people who disagreed with you, in EVERY discussion...and whats worse is you didnt even back up any of your "points" you just flammed everyone, including me, and you might aswell of just tried to get everyone banned. It was you who started all of the arguments between you and Oni, it fucked up the threads AND the forum. Now when you left, everything died down...everyone had forgotten about you, then you "coincidentally" turn up when Oni is gone and start digging shit up...what the fuck for dude? Its not productive and its not good for the forum.

This place is already going down the shitter, in my opinion, without people like you coming here after absences and purposly making arguments and fucking things up even more. Do you not have anything better to do?

Joe said it the best:

Wow, you are super clever. You changed your age to 0. Do you honestly not have anything more important to be doing than this? You presumably have a wife and I know you have children.
"hey mum wheres daddy? ...hes on a website having a go at some teenagers".

Cant believe im saying this to a married man, but you need to grow the fuck up, dude.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

OK, I think the oldschool bashing is going a bit too far in this thread (and its pretty off topic - hey we dont want cubed3's forums completely screwed up). We all know our opinions of each other by now and whilst I doubt this will change it's just going round in circles now.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Oldschool happens to be a very agreeable soul so I find the comment that he dissagrees with everyone simply not true, the very fact he treats members with all ages with the same degree of respect proof of this.

He has no growing up to do my my estimation, there are people on this site that feel aggrieved at Oni's departure. In few places Oldschool has merely pointed out the hypocracy of Oni's goodbye statements and furthur. Few on this site have jumped on those words with vigour and have attacked Oldschool in posts in a mildly abusive way, even a moderator. It needs to stop, people need to calm the fuck down and even anything that can be seen to be inciting more disharmony needs to be bottle necked, that's where you hope moderators come in and to "settle" disputes peacefully. While Oni was seen to be a good member in some eyes he was not appreciated so by others, that's simple difference of opinion, difference of opinion that should not result in this nonsense.

When you have grown up Takeo, and you had had a family that you have witnessed flourish, you may be then be able to pass judgement, until then any one of your age making such a comment is nonsense. Time for everyone to chill the f out and get on with a "nicer" C3 Smilie{LS]

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:19 by Linkyshinks )

Guest 11.08.2007#334

Let's all just post how much we miss msenyszak instead.

I miss you, man!

Takeo R.I.P. said:
Oldschool killed Jesus. He shot JFK. He caused the subprime mortgage crisis. He had the WMDs from Iraq. He brought down the Twin Towers.

IS there anything else I caused?

How is it that defending myself, with fact to support it, against Oni's bile wrong. Read the posts against Oni - mine was soft. All those upset about Oni being banned are stupidly channelling that hate against me. News flash - he was banned BEFORE i came back. He fell on his own sword. How do you not understand that. You act as if I was the only one who didn't like him.

Your anger transferrals are wasted on me.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

IS there anything else I caused?

You forgot the twin towers.
And the madrid train disaster...
Oh and the July 7th bombings. Smilie

News flash - he was banned BEFORE i came back. He fell on his own sword. How do you not understand that. You act as if I was the only one who didn't like him.

I wasnt aware that I disagreed with that statement...I said it was "coincidential" that you happened to come back the day after Oni leaves. Nothing more...slight hint of a guilty mind there, Oldy?

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

Takeo R.I.P. said:
IS there anything else I caused?
You forgot the twin towers.And the madrid train disaster...Oh and the July 7th bombings. Smilie
News flash - he was banned BEFORE i came back. He fell on his own sword. How do you not understand that. You act as if I was the only one who didnt like him.
I wasnt aware that I disagreed with that statement...I said it was coincidential that you happened to come back the day after Oni leaves. Nothing more...slight hint of a guilty mind there, Oldy?

He came back BECAUSE Oni left yeah, no secret there, bub.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:24 by Ino Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Takeo R.I.P. said:
IS there anything else I caused?
You forgot the twin towers.And the madrid train disaster...Oh and the July 7th bombings. Smilie
News flash - he was banned BEFORE i came back. He fell on his own sword. How do you not understand that. You act as if I was the only one who didnt like him.
I wasnt aware that I disagreed with that statement...I said it was coincidential that you happened to come back the day after Oni leaves. Nothing more...slight hint of a guilty mind there, Oldy?

Faust beat me to it. I came back after several e-mails from people gleefully announcing the banning of Oni. I thought - why not. I fail to see how you missed that.

You would be surprised by the number of links e-mailed to me and the continued nonsense going on after I left. I stuck by my decision to leave - I am no hypocrite. I saw no reason not to return upon his departure. That coincidence (deliberate choice) has seen me accused of some of the most horrid and bizarre crap ever seen. Stop blaming me and blame Oni. I wasn't around when he got banned - it had nothing to do with me.

GR - too long, didn't read. Who are you trying to convince - you or me? Me thinketh thou protesteth to mucheth.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:38 by oldschool )

Temporarily banned until further notice.

You say it was not your fault he got banned? Thats bullshit - you were involved, and the starter, in EVERY argument involving Oni during your stay on this site. What GR said is right, while people like myself, Joe and Martin broke the rules in dealing with you, and linkyshinks to an extent, we had little choice because there is no being nice to you at all...you twist points to make your own views fir and then pick up every harmless imperfection in their posts and then systematically destroy them and gode them into arguments.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

I will take that as a compliment.

Oddly enough Tak, I don't remember ever having an argument with you. I find all of this a surprise - such is life. The only one I remember as a problem is Joe.

By the way - I merely pointed out the annoying, offensive and repetitive nature of Oni. Stop shooting the messenger. He played it for every last drop. To paint me as the villian is highly superficial.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:45 by oldschool )

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Takeo R.I.P. said:
You say it was not your fault he got banned? Thats bullshit - you were involved, and the starter, in EVERY argument involving Oni during your stay on this site. What GR said is right, while people like myself, Joe and Martin broke the rules in dealing with you, and linkyshinks to an extent, we had little choice because there is no being nice to you at all...you twist points to make your own views fir and then pick up every harmless imperfection in their posts and then systematically destroy them and gode them into arguments.

He was involved in a lot of Oni's arguments when he was here, but Oni got banned when Oldschool wasn't here. Believe me, Oldy isn't one to be blamed for Oni's banning. Think LOGICALLY for a bit; Why would the mods ban Oni MONTHS after Oldschool had left C3? That'd be rather retarded.

I'm more to blame for his banning than Oldy, so if you want to take it out on someone, take it out on the right guy, me. Thank you.

I still think it's hilarious how some of you critisise Oldy for some of his ways, but Oni gets all the praise while having the exact same ways that you are now projecting onto Oldschool.Smilie

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:45 by Ino Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

oldschool said:GR - too long, didnt read. Who are you trying to convince - you or me? Me thinketh thou protesteth to mucheth.

Don't dismiss someone like that, show some fucking respect for people. Funnily enough, i'd bet you did read it.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:55 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

He was involved in a lot of Oni's arguments when he was here, but Oni got banned when Oldschool wasn't here. Believe me, Oldy isn't one to be blamed for Oni's banning. Think LOGICALLY for a bit; Why would the mods ban Oni MONTHS after Oldschool had left C3? That'd be rather retarded.

Im not saying he was a direct cause...that would be dumb. What I am saying is that he was a contributing factor, as were you I agree. Differance is, your not being a cock about it.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

Oni has only himself to blame for his own departure, the suggestion that "it was Oldschools fault!" is ridiculous. {LS]

Slydevil said:
oldschool said:
Takeo R.I.P. said:
GR - too long, didnt read. Who are you trying to convince - you or me? Me thinketh thou protesteth to mucheth.
Dont dismiss someone like that, show some fucking respect for people. Funnily enough, id bet you did read it.

No offense, but who'd read that at 2 @ night? I didn't read it either, too long, takes a good sitting.
Don't fucking say fucking, that's just fucking disrespectful! XD

Anyways, I think he's keeping it rather polite/funnyish. I remember Oni, myself, and lots of other members saying worse things than what you just quoted without getting any warning whatsoeve, so no reason methinks to tell him to show some fucking respect, eh?

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Slydevil said:
oldschool said:GR - too long, didnt read. Who are you trying to convince - you or me? Me thinketh thou protesteth to mucheth.
Dont dismiss someone like that, show some fucking respect for people. Funnily enough, id bet you did read it.( Edited on 11.08.2007 16:55 by Slydevil )

Actually Sly - only the first paragraph. This is not about respect - respect is what I have not been afforded. Remember me, I am the 'fucking twat" and that is the official forum position.

Revisionist history is taking place and I fail to see any point in reading it.

If I read, it is logical that I should reply. When I do reply, I get accused of continuing or perpetuating it. This is what they classically refer to as a 'lose-lose' scenario.

( Edited on 11.08.2007 17:02 by oldschool )

Temporarily banned until further notice.
Guest 11.08.2007#347

Get the fuck out with your silly arguments, this thread is about the missing members! The ones who dissapeared without saying goodbye...


Let it be noted - you keep pushing this GR - not me. You badger me for a reply when I have actually lost interest and pretty much don't care. So, just for you.

GR781 said:
..Sigh.. too long for you to read? That has to be your most avoisive and least effective get out so far. As ever, incapable of taking me on on a point by point basis.

Is avoisive a word (Kent Brockman)? It is not intended as a get out. Remember your beginning to a reply to me? Ho-hum ring bells? Just a cursory glance over your post left me with the impression of old pointless positions that were not worth replying to. Sorry if that offends.

Simply, I believe you are biased and whilst the weight of your position confirms this to me, it is pointless reading about why you believe you are not.

This will count as a point by point reply.

GR781 said:
.There is no revisionism going on- everyone is aware that Oni had behavioural problems in the past, and that this latest resurgence of that behaviour is why he got banned. However, there is a clear line pointing to you oldschool-Since your arrival, there has been a perpetuation of overly easily offended, fanboyish (regardless of whether they own one or more console) members, who are greatly offended whenever someone is critical of them or their views. There is no doubt in my mind that your action regarding Oni started this trend.

At leaaast you agree he brought about his own undoing. As for the line directly to me - like wow. Do you jave a line that also connects the CIA with the Twin Towers? Conspiracy theories are amazing. Apparently, the universe allocated me a bunch of fanboys who would follow me and leave a trail of destruction behind me.

I was unaware of my mystical powers. Forgive my amusement and sarcasm, but really - you actually believe that? Where the ones who came with me during my time or the ones who followed that did not know me responsible? That line of argument barely has a grab on reality.

Heaven forbid that some nice young kids - the future of this site - where offended at being insulted. Clearly they were not good enough to be in your elitist clique. That is what I despised about what happened. Ownership was claimed by the older members and a claim of exclusivity reigned at the expense of inclusiveness.

Thanks for calling me a trendsetter.

GR781 said:
.These, I would guess, are the kind of members Oni mentionned when he described being driven out- though some of Onis behaviour was antagonistic, it takes two to tango, and certainly there was strong overreaction by some members on several occasions. The fact of the matter is that this has taken the site downhill- discussion has become more sparse, debate has dwindled, because rather than taking a bit of flack and criticism, and then having a feisty debate, members have dissolved into accusations and name calling.

So you feel sorry for Oni because he was driven out by these horrid noob fanboys - who never knew me? The speed of hypocrisy on 'two to tango' is superb. Oni would insult, someone would take offence and the insulted is to blame for taking the offence! They wouldn't have had to be offended if Oni behaved himself in a civilised way.

This is exactly what you did to me. I would call Oni on his behaviour and you would jump in to defend him. The fact that you are blind to this is disappointing, yet not surprising. After all, you were in his clique.

More hypocrisy when you complain against noobs inability to take a bit of flak and criticism. First, that is what you defended Oni against. He was allowed to dish it out, but played it up for sympathy when some splashback occurred. Secondly, why should tthey put up with it? Why can't they have a pleasant time without condescension and derision?

A classic case of shooting the messenger. You are the atypical type who blames the victim for causing problems for having the audacity to register a complaint.

On top of that, I am being criticised (incorrectly) for casuing arguments when I was here, yet this is exactly what you myopically pine for - the good old days.

GR781 said:
.You may not be the reason that Oni was banned, but you certainly started the trend leading to it, and most of all, you most certainly started the trend which has probably lead him and others to have no desire to come back.

Again with the trend starting. You credit me with far too much power. Clearly you lack a mirror. May I remind, it was predominately you and Matt that caused my departure. You constant and partisan support of Oni (and Joe) was the biggest problem. You couldn't let me argue with him, you had to intervene and support his precious and sulking nature. You don't like being called biased, but there it is, right in front of us, for all to see.

GR781 said:
.However, what I and others are saying about you has nothing to do with some kind of tragic loss of Oni- you must be aware that, should anyone desire to, they can easily find him at the new site. You, Linkyshinks, and others, can pretend that people are striking out in grief (as if anyone is so attached to another member on a forum), but this is genuine criticism, not an anguished attempt to lash out.

Wrong man. The hate is being channelled through me because I am the brave one who stood up. He may be elsewhere, but it is not here and that angers them. Again, I had nothing to do with his banning - I haven't posted in months. Stop trying to disguise it as criticism. That is pathetic and untenable.

I merely replied to his lashing out at me. He singled me out. I merely set the record straight. That you can't see that is irrelevant. They saw my name and launched without bothering to read the post. They personalised. Read back on the comments directed at Oni in that thread and compare them to my one post. You argument has more holes than George W. Bush's brain (if he had one).

GR781 said:
.Anyway, as is evident by your fairly excuse that my last post was too long, you arent willing to engage in logical debate over the issue; or even illogical debate, as is more your nature.

Logical debate is my specialty. I fail to wwaste it where it is not required though. That last comment typifies that you are biased. You don't like me because I don't like Oni. That was a barb intended to irritate, to get a rise from me. Apparently I am the expert at that if you read posts of others. It is not the behaviour of a moderator.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Let's all just post how much we miss msenyszak instead.

I miss you, man!

I'm feeling apologetic today. Sorry for the rant aboout randomness, Fart. (seriously, it's not sarcastic)

This arguing is giving me headaches after an 8 hour shift.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Whatever dude. If you say so. Right back at you. I am glad to see some of the truth emerging though. Still think you over value my effect on others. Plus, you don't get it and you never will. This explains why you should stop bringing it up. Take the advice given to me by others - drop it.

Let it go, you'll get an ulcer.

Karma dude.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

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