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Thank you for thinking of me, really Im not a legend though, I just post on forums for a bit of fun, but Im sorry for walking out like that.

True legends don't think they are Smilie

Good to see you Beam!

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Hey beam! Welcome backSmilie


Nice to see you back, Beam. I was formerly Jay (don't know if you remember me) but I was here when you were thatBEAMperson. Smilie Anyway, it's good to see you're still around, whether it's on C3 or not. Smilie

( Edited on 15.09.2006 15:38 by Jambo )



"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Welcome back dude. Smilie

OH MY GOD IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!! (It's even more of a miracle seen as it came 3 months early)

Welcome back Beam; don't go running off again! Smilie

beamrider2600 said:
Hi everyone. I was reading the forum, came across this topic and thought Id better let you all know that Im alive. What can I say, I got out of the habbit of posting and its been almost a year now. Thank you for thinking of me, really Im not a legend though, I just post on forums for a bit of fun, but Im sorry for walking out like that.

Please start posting again, we are in dire need of intelligent fanboys who can string a properly worded english sentence together.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
beamrider2600 said:Hi everyone. I was reading the forum, came across this topic and thought Id better let you all know that Im alive. What can I say, I got out of the habbit of posting and its been almost a year now. Thank you for thinking of me, really Im not a legend though, I just post on forums for a bit of fun, but Im sorry for walking out like that.
Please start posting again, we are in dire need of intelligent posters who can string a properly worded english sentence together.


Sadly the more coherrent of those posters can be quite anti-nintendo...the demographic doesn't speak well for Nintendo does it.....

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Hey, the intelligent ones owe it all to the Philips-CDi educational fun games!

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat


Welcome back, perhaps? Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Hey beamrider I too was here when you were thatBeamperson, I was silver13 then. Doubt you remember me. Anyway, good to c ya back.Smilie

My name is F.O.R.M. "Fan of rock music"
I am a proud American.
No were never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy!
As stated in the songs Crazy by Seal and Thirteen By Mushroomhead.

My Runescape stats.

Hey Beam! I'm sure u can remember me Smilie. Hows it going?

Big Willy Style said:
Hey Beam! Im sure u can remember me Smilie. Hows it going?

EVERYONE remembers Will.

Fuck, ROLEPLAY with GUSTO Daone, Microsoft, Joe, GUSTO!

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Beamy! Hey there! At least we know you're alive Smilie

What're you doing with yourself these days?

Frazzle.d said:
Hey, the intelligent ones owe it all to the Philips-CDi educational fun games!

I played the cd-i educational games all the time Smilie
I rather liked the Smithsonian game. George Washington didn't have wood teeth, rather, the rumor came about because he had wooden little bits in his dentures (I can't remember what for exactly, they had some function).

Am I intelligent?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I did just come in to say hi, but given the warm welcome I think I might post a bit for now. I make no promises that I'll post as reliably as I used to because I'm still a lot more busy than in the past but see how it goes, I could get addicted again. Either way though, as ever, you can always contact me by e-mail.

To Jay/Jambo and silver13/F.O.R.M. who had doubts, of course I remember you both, and most of the people here. I don't recognise everyone's screenames, some have changed, but I think I can work out who is who. Anyway, didn't want to make a big deal out of this, thanks for all your comments.

Sweet your back

Good to see ya back! Smilie It's been a loooong while Smilie

So... will you be on the forums more often then?

First Sharpshot reappeared out of nowhere, now Beam! AMAZING!

Prolly some kind of..... thing. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm the missing person that nobody missed at all?

Jade said:
Im the missing person that nobody missed at all?

Course not Smilie I still remember ya , and I'm sure others do as well... How are you? Well, I hope Smilie And do stay on the forums, if possible =]

So first Sharpy, then BEAM, and now Jade... it's like a mass resurrection Smilie

( Edited on 16.09.2006 13:03 by Phil :: CSF )

So many people, that's... three!

Stick around, it will be like Cubed3 RETRO. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Thing is so many people have changed their names!

Most of the people you remember have probably moved on, or were banned *cough* Oni-Ninja *cough* I think my nick might have been CrazySonicFan back then as well...

Please say you're coming back, and not just visiting to say hi, you were a good member. I'll give you a star if you do!


Lol, Debatable.. after all when i joined my post's were generally drug fuelled which explains my strange nature and sluttyness.. depends if members can forgive me or not?

I had a serious drug habit and ended up in rehab for a 5 months or so over in Germany. Am back in england now and completely off drugs.

Have picked up the pen again and started writing short stories/poems.. if anyone remembers them.

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