J. Allard criticises revolution controller

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Xbox corporate VP J Allard has criticised Nintendo's "freestyle" Revolution controller, claiming that he had a similar idea which was rejected after consultation with gamers and developers.

Speaking to US website Gameinformer, Allard said the controller was "Well intentioned" but argued that he couldn't see it being used to play sports or racing games.

"I don't think most Electronic Arts games are going to be played with that thing, I think they're going to be designed for the classic controller," he added.

"Four years ago I wrote an email treaty and said, 'Why aren't accelerometers in remote controls? Why can't I scroll down my channel guide with a gesture instead of up, up, up, up?"" Allard revealed.

"We did a lot of research with gamers, talked to a lot of game developers and said, 'Should we put an accelerometer in there and do the tilt thing?' And there wasn't that much enthusiasm around it."

Allard did note that the Xbox 360 remote control features A, B, X and Y buttons, and confirmed that "You're going to be able to play casual games on Live Arcade with the remote control."

He also conceded that Nintendo could make good use of the controller in first party games, and that it could prove a hit with gamers as a result. He went on to praise Nintendo for its innovation, suggesting that Microsoft might also consider producing a simplified controller in the future.

"Remote control, that's great," Allard said. "Let's take it one step further and do a simple controller. We've talked about it. I like the idea."

But that doesn't mean Allard is sold on Nintendo's version - "I don't know if I like the implementation because it ain't my remote."

"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"

Allard's comments suggest he is less keen on the Revolution controller than fellow Xbox VP Peter Moore - speaking to GamesIndustry.biz at the Tokyo Game Show last month, Moore said he wanted to "give kudos" to Nintendo, adding that he could see how the device might bring lapsed gamers back to gaming and attract new consumers.


I don't see his point? Is he complaining that the technology wasn't ready 4 years ago? Or that the radio signals can't interact with the TV's infrared sensor?


4 years is a long time in this business, and if EA don't want to make games for the controller, fine, we can use the Gamecube one anyway.

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He doesn't seem that against it, he just contradicts what all the third partys have been saying recently. Apart from that and the I thaught of it first, his questions are pretty reasonable being the chode that he is.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It all sounds reasonable, i mean he can't really start calling the best thing ever. I found this comment a bit puzzling

"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"

Ya know it's got buttons on it I think we'll be able to manage watching DVDs on it Smilie

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"

This bugs me. The Revolution controller is not a remote, it is a controller. And just like with the PS2 and XBox you have a controller and a remote for watching movies. I smell bullshit.


Not a reasnable comic in there.

The guy's an idiot. I actually doubt he ever had the idea of movement based control and he's just trying to say that Nintendo are stealing his ideas.

EA games won't use it? That's funny, since they're behind the console. I think even if they're using the shell they're still gonna be utilising the features.

Cry me a river, Allard.

"I don't think most Electronic Arts games are going to be played with that thing, I think they're going to be designed for the classic controller," he added.

Thing is, EA will go out of their way to incorperate spinny whizzy movements into practically all it's Revo games.

Just like EA will go out of their way to produce "next gen visuals" but still end up with crap.

Game | Over

Allard is a complete ignoramous, nearly everything he comments on is verging on Ken style idiocy.

The EA comment shows a complete lack of thought or creativity. The DVD comment barely deserves a response it's that stupid. But nothing tops this: *goes hunting as the comment isn't in this quote*

I don't think it's the way you're going to play racing games.


How the f**k did this moron get a job in gaming if he can't realise just how awesome a tilt controller is going to be for racing games.

The revolution controller is going to be THE way to play racing games!

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

claiming that he had a similar idea which was rejected


if EA don't want to make games for the controller, fine

This statement is fine on its own, screw EA.

The Revolution controller is not a remote

I'm pretty sure that "remote" is short for "remote controller", so he is technically correct, but the same applies to the Wavebird or the PS3/XBox360 controllers.

It's so sad, I like the XBox360 itself, but I despise the bald idiots at the top.

It's damage control. He also tried to pretend the PS3 wasn't real hardware because it had no ventilation holes at E3 - even though they are clearly visible on the official PS3 photos. P.Moore also claimed that the PS3 must be "weak" because Sony needed Snake to tell gamers the PS3 was powerful. Typical BS from Microsoft, trying to cover their own arses.

Speaking to US website Gameinformer, Allard said the controller was "Well intentioned" but argued that he couldn't see it being used to play sports or racing games.

"I don't think most Electronic Arts games are going to be played with that thing, I think they're going to be designed for the classic controller," he added.

That's funny, because EA themselves said how they could see "immediate" benefits for their sports titles. I'm sure EA love havin Allard tell them what is and isn't possible in game development. And it seems Allard also forgot that the controller comes with an analogue stick - making racing game controls potentially EXACTLY the same as they are on the present consoles

"Four years ago I wrote an email treaty and said, 'Why aren't accelerometers in remote controls? Why can't I scroll down my channel guide with a gesture instead of up, up, up, up?"" Allard revealed.

"We did a lot of research with gamers, talked to a lot of game developers and said, 'Should we put an accelerometer in there and do the tilt thing?' And there wasn't that much enthusiasm around it."

SUUUURE you did. The Rev controller is far more than simply a few accelerometers letting you scoll down on your digital TV guide. It tracks the controller in full 3D space. Nintendo's solution is patented, so MS can claim all they want that they had the same idea and noone wanted it. Sony could also claim to have had a similar idea, but it was actually based on a webcam and LED lights, making it vastly inferior to Nintendo's solution.

It is also quite humorous for Allard to say developers were uninterested, given the overwhelming support and excitment developers have expressed for the Rev controller. A quick glance at every major gaming forum shows the majority are excited by this possibility above uber-graphics. And Allard also seems to have forgotten that the whole point about this type of controller interface is that it will appeal to NON-gamers aswell. Nintendo clearly spent more time researching this kind of controller idea, and demonstrated properly how it would work to excite even the original skeptics (such as myself).

Allard did note that the Xbox 360 remote control features A, B, X and Y buttons...

Funny that, wonder where they got that idea from...

He went on to praise Nintendo for its innovation, suggesting that Microsoft might also consider producing a simplified controller in the future.

read: "we'll copy their design next gen like we copied their old controllers previously". So the first half of the interview he criticises the simple Nintendo controller, then claims they had already decided to make a simply MS controller in the future. Whatever, MS are the least original manufacturer out there - their console approach is a mirror image of their history in the PC market.

"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"

What 4 coloured buttons? F**king hell, can he not even imagine how you could watch a DVD on the Rev with that remote? You'd clearly use the menu and buttons provided. Ironic that he is complaining (incorrectly) about maybe needing another controller for movies, when that is EXACTLY what you need for the XBOX and probably the XBOX360.

Allard is an embarrassment to himself. I've always hated the guy because I hate anyone who talks so much bullshit

My site: whvn | online

What an idiot, that whole statement was stupidity. I was going to say a few more words, but you guys have sufficiently burried him! Well done Nintendo Marines! Smilie

I was realy laughing my ass off when reading what Allard had to say aboot the Rev's controller, he's an idiot and should had never considered getting into the industry, what that guy needs is a padded room.Smilie

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