"Is the Revolution controller a good idea that will take a company like Sony to do it right?"
Gee, I'm sure Nintendo thanks you for the vote of confidence. I swear, many people are just going to downplay anything Nintendo makes in order to make a difference in videogame designs, be it hardware or software. They'll get their mistakes rubbed into their faces while good ideas that hit mainstream will be pointed out as nothing really great.
I've seen a forum thread on the Sega boards and people there were just downplaying everything Nintendo. People would defend like bringing up rumble pack, analogue sticks, shoulder buttons, etc. but then others would go on like Atari had analogue sticks or that there were wireless controllers before. And you know, IMO, both had valid points but the latter group just seems... well, I don't know. I mean there's this level of annoyance that surrounded it all. Heck, it was like someone saying network gaming isn't really that innovative, it was there since people strung up two cans with a wire and played phone. And of course there's one person who claimed that Microsoft will be the first to have wireless controllers. One would then correct him and say Nintendo already has Wavebird but the other would say he mean the first to have it "standard." Ridiculous. What's next, who was the first to use the color black for a videogame console? Talk about petty.
I agree WillHaven with what you said. Personally, all these feuds is enough to push me away from gaming (or at least the community). Here we are with three powerful consoles, one with a (relatively?) new controller design and two others pushing for the next level of a multimedia hub and we're going to go another round of "Haha, the Revolution is ONLY 2-3 times more powerful that the original Xbox." Sheesh, appently they mean that the Xbox had "crappy" graphics all along. Makes you wonder why we put up with the "Xbox has the best graphics" arguments (over and over and over). Maybe these people should skip the upcoming generation too. We wouldn't want their eyes to bleed from all the ugliness of it all ('cause you know we'll get better looking ones after those).