Nintendo has debunked a rumor about the controller of the Revolution having been revealed. The rumor originated at Games Radar in a story titled "Revolution Controller Finally Revealed." The story was based off an 2003 patent for a device with gyroscopic tilt technology an LCD screen, both of which are features rumored to be in the Revolutions controller.Nintendo has made it clear that the information was not accurate, and that Nintendo has not announced any information since E3 about Revolution. "Nintendo recently released information about Revolution at this year's E3 and has not announced any information since then. We will be divulging more details about our next console in the future. Only information released from Nintendo should be considered accurate," a Nintendo of America representative told the website Nintendojo.
Games Radar has since edited its article, and has retitled it "Full Revolution controller details finally revealed?" The site writes:
While at first excited from potentially new confirmation of what the Revolution's controller would finally deliver, certain things - other than the date - just didn't add up.
Hidden deep in the depths of jargon few would bother to read to, details of cartridges and CPUs complicated matters. While potentially this could have been describing some sort of extra power for the Revolution controller, it is actually describing tilt technology for a game that makes use of Game Boy Advance and Gamecube compatibility.
Woo, good so ninty still hasn't really released any news on the controller.
Anyway, good news to me!