Star fox revolution

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alright, so i know it hasn't been confirmed yet but i've been thinking all this time for some great ideas for the next literation of the star fox games. Now we all know that Assault wasn't what we all wanted and i have soem great new ideas for the new one which i like to call Star fox: Revolution.

First and foremost, NO WALKING STAGES!!!!! Star fox was never ever supposed to go on land in assault. The controls for it were horrible and it ruined the game.

Now for the most interesting part: Wi-fi.

Do you all remeber that raid in star fox 64 (lylat wars to some of you) where you fought along Billy to destroy the alien ship? Also you fought along with IMO over hundreds of other ships?

That's what i think WI-FI battles should be like. It can support 50 on 50 matches where 50 people will be the Star Fox team or another team that lives on the planet helping you. The other 50 can be aliens or creatures or whatever.

The goal is to fight them long enough so that they won't destory your base because if they do, it's game over.

Then comes a boss who is on the bad guys team. You goal is to destroy the monster or robot in a certain amount of time before he destroys the planet you're on.

Now here's the fun part, you have to destroy the robot, of course but there will be like 7 or 8 alien shps behind you trying to shoot you down.

Now you can call on your headsets, for example "shotte them down while i destoy the boss" or " i'll disract them, you go for the boss".

^Fun multiplayer action indeed.

About the story, i believe that it should star andross agian but this time, no ending with fighting his face (or brain if some of you found out
Smilie ).

Multiple roots, harder enemies, beautiful graphics and different ships. They should now mak each level in star fox long and end with a nice boss giht that includes more than just shooting at it and killing it. It needs more innovation than that.

Also, more open levels where for example like coruscant from star wars.

Well, that's all for me.

What do you guys have to add?


I can already imagine the newbies crashing into me in mid-flight, boosting, naturally, while shouting "OMGoodness! Where are we?!!? WHERE'S THE ENEMY!?!? OH WAIT!! That was our own."


Keep them on the ground.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

i like the idea of the alien ship where u hae 50 players and 50 enemys that would be great and i didnt mind some of the walking stages i thought they where good because they where fast but yea they should be all piolting missions and maybe 2 in the tnk and make sure its on rails and i think a few in the sub cause i enjoyed that lvl of lylat wars and we should face andross again. i mean it wouldnt be star fox without andross and yea the andross brain was good i enjoyed whe u had to take star wolf down just before

Webby wrote: i like the idea of the alien ship where u hae 50 players and 50 enemys that would be great and i didnt mind some of the walking stages i thought they where good because they where fast but yea they should be all piolting missions and maybe 2 in the tnk and make sure its on rails and i think a few in the sub cause i enjoyed that lvl of lylat wars and we should face andross again. i mean it wouldnt be star fox without andross and yea the andross brain was good i enjoyed whe u had to take star wolf down just before


Star wolf is a great team to fight especially in star fox 64 where you had to face them for the last time and they had super shields on. Now that was a fight!!!

And yea, i think that if they're going to include walking stages, PLEASE IMPOVE IT!!!!

Walking can also be used for Wi-FI as well. Battles on air and on foot. Smilie

50 against 50 matches sound good exept when you factor in the following aspects:
-n00bs a plenty
-antisosacal nutsacks attacking their own team
-hour long aurguments about who gets to be fox that never get resolved anyway
-finding an adequte time for such a match otherwise ships go flying into each other due to pilots "taking a leak" ect
-the prospect of 99 other players laughing as you are the first one to get shot down

[ Edited by bobmcbob on 2005/6/24 15:06 ]

[ Edited by bobmcbob on 2005/6/24 15:08 ]

I AM TEH 1337 GAMORZ U R ALL NOOBS X-BOX AND GAYSTATION SUCKORZ!!!!!!111111 this was a noob poster moment brought to you by bobmcbob

bobmcbob wrote: 50 against 50 matches sound good exept when you factor in the following aspects:
-n00bs a plenty
-antisosacal nutsacks attacking their own team
-hour long aurguments about who gets to be fox that never get resolved anyway
-finding an adequte time for such a match otherwise ships go flying into each other due to pilots 'taking a leak' ect
[ Edited by bobmcbob on 2005/6/24 15:06 ]

1. What's wrong with noobs? I'm sure a lot of people who pick it up already know the concept of how to play the game.
2. Banned from the game.
3. IMO fox isn't that cool. Sure he's the leader but you don't play acutally as him, you play as the ship.
4. errrr.

Frazzle wrote: 'OMGoodness! Where are we?!!? WHERE'S THE ENEMY!?!? OH WAIT!! That was our own.'

Smilieif ye can play with 20-30 teammates like that ye be better pilot than me that be the problem with n00bs

[ Edited by bobmcbob on 2005/6/24 15:17 ]

I AM TEH 1337 GAMORZ U R ALL NOOBS X-BOX AND GAYSTATION SUCKORZ!!!!!!111111 this was a noob poster moment brought to you by bobmcbob

Yep, completely agree. Nintendo should stop fooling around with the franchise. Perhaps they should put Miyamoto back in charge of its development?

Anyway, great ideas! Love the idea of working as a team, but might 50 players be too much? I suppose it'd depend on the size of the area you're playing in, really.

Oh, and wouldn't it be great if players could also become the boss. That could be a reward or something for climbing the ranks!

it could work if there was a rank system like that sombody with x kills commanding human players so it doesent end up in a starfox vertion of a bar brawl becoming a boss after a certain amount of kills would be cool imagine being able to use the great fox for example

[ Edited by bobmcbob on 2005/6/24 15:27 ]

I AM TEH 1337 GAMORZ U R ALL NOOBS X-BOX AND GAYSTATION SUCKORZ!!!!!!111111 this was a noob poster moment brought to you by bobmcbob

Wouldn't 50 vs 50 which = 100 player around the world
make the server a bit laggy Smilie ?

and trust me console online gamer are no j00bs most are them are pros besides a few.

You found the word nipple! And you love touching them!

I'm loving the huge multiplayer idea...
I think I'll expand on it ^_^

50 people all screaming on a headset would be complete chaos. So, you'd have to divide your 50 soldiers into smaller squadrons (10 would work with an orderly group). And the designated leader would be able to communicate with both their squadron and the leaders of the other groups.

To integrate it being both on foot and by air, you could have it that once your ship is destroyed, you'd be able to parachute to the ground (if you're tank is destroyed...well, you're just dead. But this is why the tank has better defense). Maybe make it so that if you get back to your base on foot, you can get another ship.

I don't like the idea of destroying bases, because then it will sometimes become "whoever gets the most people at the enemies base first wins".

That's all I can think of now.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

^ godd idea TAG!!!
Yea, we should have squadrons with one almighty leader that gives orders to the other squadrons.

Also, when you do lose a mission, you have to escape the planet as well. It'll be like starfox's second ending where your father helps you escape!!!Smilie

50 people all screaming on a headset would be complete chaos. So, you'd have to divide your 50 soldiers into smaller squadrons (10 would work with an orderly group). And the designated leader would be able to communicate with both their squadron and the leaders of the other groups.

To integrate it being both on foot and by air, you could have it that once your ship is destroyed, you'd be able to parachute to the ground (if you're tank is destroyed...well, you're just dead. But this is why the tank has better defense). Maybe make it so that if you get back to your base on foot, you can get another ship.

I don't like the idea of destroying bases, because then it will sometimes become "whoever gets the most people at the enemies base first wins".

Excellent ideas their TAG. It'll be basicaly like a Star Fox Battlefield game.

Ha a huge battle between teams would be sweet. you should be able to create a chacter and join a clan or somthing.


i think 50 v 50 isnt as good as it sounds as it would be far too easy just to randomly shoot into the air as its likely that you would hit atleast some-one which wouldnt require much skill at all, unless of course you had a limited ammo supply.

Wouldn't 50 vs 50 which = 100 player around the world
make the server a bit laggy

ay it would evn PCs have trouble to do this especially if the creen was full of 100 ships moving about at one time. I dont see this really happening although it was a good idea.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

I dont know if you guys played Robotech Battlecry i had the game its preety good especially in flyign shooting area it totaly suited the game, and it always reminds me of StarFox!!
anyway carry on Sorry!

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I think 25 vs 25 is more practical, or even 20 vs 20, no matter wot though, as long as theres at least 20 ppl in the arena it would be sweet, i think once your killed though in your ship, it should just be game over until theres only one team left standing, otherwise when will the game end?

Also clans for it would be a good idea, as would championships, even if their were n00bs in the game, theyre stupidity would likely have them killed asap.

this is a really great idea, and i think would be a killer app if nintendo did it right(put miyamoto back on the franchise) Smilie
And id love to own a game like this.......great idea linkman Smilie
The possiblities are endless really Smilie

I picked up Assault last week and I think that its not a bad game. I know that it has been slandered everywhere pretty much but I have been enjoying it. All of its flaws are quite bearable for me and I love playing it. Maybe its cause I haven't played the originals.

Anyways for Revolution I'd love to see heaps of people playing it online, the vehicles and land parts from Assault should be in there but you should be able to do more like walk into buildings and have more weapons. Plus the engines on all 3 of the movement mediums should be fixed up, like the flying ability of the Landmaster. Oh and no bad voice acting.

Great Idea linkman26 can't think of anything i would change except Maybe less people in multiplayer.

[ Edited by Hawk on 2005/7/8 23:30 ]

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

it all sounds cool but umm ... will it ever happen? cuz if it does, that would be COOL!!

Can't wait for TP!

Well if the game did have land based parts, that should be kept seperate to the online dog fights :p

personally I like all the Star Fox games so far. The newest one is no exception but I did not like how there was only a few stages. The next star fox game needs more stages. 20 stages sounds good to me. as for online play it sounds cool but i highly doubt that there will be 20v20 online matches. I would be surprised if they had 5v5. But if they did have 40 ppl playing at once that would be nice


A new and brill idea would be that when you get shot down, you can either go back to your base to get a landmaster tank or you can use you blaster toshoot guys down.

But i expect the on-foot controls to be better!!! Smilie

I reckon nintendo should let factor 5 develop the next star fox. They should leave it strictly to vechile missions (tanks, planes, AT-ST-like robots maybe?). Make it longer and put in the medal system of rogue leader...unlockables too.
As for onlien, maybe have 2 modes. You could say these modes will be Counter-Strike inspired.
-You first choose a server and the server host would have picked a particular mission
-You then choose what side you want to be on, either star wolf (evil) or star fox side.
-Depending on the mission each side will have different objectives to solve, a lot like CS. One mission a particular team must protect an area for a specified time, or must destroy a particular object.

Mode 2:
-This is like a MMO will be time consuming and can't enter it lightly
-You first find a squad (clan) to be in.
-Your squad will travel around different space sectors and planets completeting MMO type quests.
-You will not only fight CPU enemies, but you will encounter other squads on your journey. They might be trying to achieve the same quest as you so you much either kill them or try to beat them in finishing the quest.

Z, i'm guessing you owned and loved the rogue squadron series on GC? Smilie

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