i was wondering with all these games suspose to be for gamecube only suddenly going over to ps2 and xbox now!
Is sega betraying us or is it so they can provide more games to make more money and to stay existing?(if that makes sense)
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i was wondering with all these games suspose to be for gamecube only suddenly going over to ps2 and xbox now!
Is sega betraying us or is it so they can provide more games to make more money and to stay existing?(if that makes sense)
Sega is trying to earn some money thats all really....
Common sense tells you that the answer is the latter.
Sega is a buisness, they need money.
Sega started making games for Gamecube, so technically they didnt say from now on games are going to be only on the GC, it sounds like betraying but they didnt promise anythin so i guess its just for money! But i hate what they done with the new Monkey Ball which is suppose to have both games from the GC and another 100 extra ones but its only for the XBOX & PS2 this pissed me off about them.
The first time I ever seen Nintend_Maniac write something normal.
Sega was always Nintendo's enemy from the beginning anyway.
[ Edited by Cap
The first time I ever seen Nintend_Maniac write something normal.applauses
Sega was always Nintendo's enemy from the beginning anyway.
yeah did you know they are also making sonic mega collection PLUS for the xbox and ps2 without a cube verison now thats unfair with 17 games and loads more unlockables!
Yeah, that sorta bugged me too. I didn't know it was coming out on Xbox, though. I'll keep an eye out for it.
yeah did you know they are also making sonic mega collection PLUS for the xbox and ps2 without a cube verison now thats unfair with 17 games and loads more unlockables!
Here's the deal about PLUS. It's the japanese SMC with the game gear games and sonic heroes movies instead of Sonic CD movies.
Since the GCN has ALL the game gear games via Sonic Adventure DX, and games like The Ooze and Comix Zone was in the Jap GCN version, SEGA are not ignoring the Gamecube.
If you want to comment on anything ask why the PAL GCN version didn't get The Ooze and Comix zone.
If anything Nintendo got the best deal seeing as how the GCN's had it
for nearly a year.
And Considering Naka has said the GCN is getting an exclusive Sonic title, as is the DS. Sonic Team isn't ignoring Nintendo.
then consider how SEGA are actually 9ish developers not one, and as such each deparatment may consider a bias towards another machine. E.g. Smilebit who have concentrated on the Xbox (Jet Set Radio and Panzer Dragoon).
The key flaw in the argument is the word betrayal. Betrayal implies some obligation towards the person who is betrayed. But Sega have no obligation, no exclusivity contracts, no nothing. They are fighting for their lives and if making games for everyone is the way to go then thats fine.
i know i went to GAME and saw it only XBOX & PS2, y do PS2 players want Sega they prob never heard of it lolol bloody chavs!!!
Aaaand we're back to the normal N_M...
Of course Sega aren't betraying Ninty. They'd be betraying their stock holders if they did stick with Nintendo.
ok thanks guys got my mind clear now
They were never really on the same sider though really, were they?
Aaaand we're back to the normal N_M...
Edit: by the way my teacher is called ROB W?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
[ Edited by Nintendo_Maniac on 2005/2/27 0:26 ]
i don't think sega are betraying nintendo at all!! if anything we are getting favoured more than any other console, in terms of sonic anyway (which is all i care about when it comers to sega ), we are the only ones to hav sonic adventure 1 and 2 (except the dreamcast, but u kno, phh!) and we are soon to get another exclusive sonic title on the cube
yayyy sega!
If I remember, Sega made a exclusive game for nintendo which involved a egg.
ohh yea, billy hatcher or sumthin, apparently, from what i heard, the less remembered the better
Fine. That's it. I'm going to go and vote in T_C_I's poll. On grounds of gratuitous idiocy.
Billy Hatcher and the Giant egg is an exclusive, and was quite a good and original platformer.
Sega made Amazing Island also, is that due for a UK release?
Also Virtua Quest is looking great, so with these games and a new sonic game and Super Monkey Ball 3 to come, Sega still have alot to offer the Gamecube.
[ Edited by Zelos on 2005/2/27 0:59 ]
Well, the two years of playing Monkey Ball we've had seems pretty pro Nintendo, as does the year or so of owning Sonic Mega Collection.
The DS Sonic and Cube announced Sonic game also seems positive (not heard of sonic for psp yet).
Also: Its not like Sega owes Nintendo anything...
[ Edited by RobTheBuilder on 2005/2/27 1:11 ]
To say that Sega have 'betrayed' Nintendo is ridiculous. They are out there to make money, and do so by making some of the greatest games in existance. Maybe one day, if we're lucky, they will have made enough money to go back into the hardware market, with another innovative console. The 'Nintendo Difference' should really have been called 'What We Stole From Sega', in my opinion. Time and time again, Sega innovated in both hardware and software, and everything in between. That, coupled with poor marketing, caused their downfall. Thus, you can't blame them for giving more profitable consoles a little attention.
Sega made Amazing Island also, is that due for a UK release?
ahhh, that games a pile of shit......
i agree with masterhunter though, very wise *applause*
sega have done lots with the GC, theyre just doing things on other consoles as well now.
ahahhahah i had to say that coz everyone i know has a GC or XBOX but all the chavs in my class have got a PS2 hahaha
So your basically saying that people who have a PS2 are 'chavs'?
So what would you class yourself as? seeing as though you don't have a PS2......