The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 5: From the Gallows (PlayStation 4) Review

By Drew Hurley 05.06.2017

Review for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 5: From the Gallows on PlayStation 4

In the most common of Walking Dead tropes, the once safe haven has become a slaughterhouse, overrun with zombies and with a rival group of heavily armed humans filling the air with bullets. Javi has to gather up his family and get them to safety, though with his brother still yet to uncover the truth between Javi and Kate, a horde of zombies at the gates, and previously-thought friends now on the opposite side, it seems rather unlikely that Javi will get his happy ending, but will players at least get an enjoyable one?

As with all our episodic reviews, there are spoilers throughout for previous episodes! Reader beware!

After a fantastic start to the season, A New Frontier has started to stumble along like a zombie left too long to rot in the sun. Considerable technical issues have been impacting the storytelling and destroying immersion. The story cluttered in too many extraneous characters, most of which - including the primary villain - received little and less character development. It's survived thus far thanks to some engaging stories, enjoyable main characters, and some smart writing. The penultimate episode saw Javi's group fracture after the truth of the second episode came to light, and the plan to take down Joan is suddenly turned on its head, with David captured and about to be hanged, along with Ava and Tripp awaiting a summary execution.

The final moments took either Ava or Tripp and delivered a final choice. Shoot Joan or leave in peace with the surviving members. Regardless of these options, the outcome is the same: a shootout that costs the lives of many, and Kate driving in to save the day, only to end up crashing a hole through the barricade and opening the way to the gargantuan herd that was waiting outside.

Now, the Herd has taken over Richmond. The streets are packed with walkers and the civilians are being turned into a buffet. Team Javi has to try and reunite, along with deciding on the next course of action: make a break for it and leave Richmond to the herd, or stay, trying to make up for the problems they caused here, pushing the zombies out and saving who they can.

Screenshot for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 5: From the Gallows on PlayStation 4

Flashbacks continue to be the highlight of the season. There's nothing for Clem this time, but further insight into the relationship between the brothers. The episode opens with another pre-outbreak flashback where David and Javi are playing dominoes with their father. It's a great little conversation that will hit home with plenty of players, and gives some difficult choices that come into play later on. That familial relationship has been a key part of the story, and it finally reaches its conclusion here.

There are so many things between Javi and David, and it has very evidently been building to a huge confrontation since David's return. The romance with Kate. The father role over Gabe. Their different philosophies. The numerous clashes. It's been something to look forward to. For a moment, it seems like it's going to be wasted. A silly and on-the-nose confrontation that has some characters acting completely different to how they've been portrayed for the whole season. Thankfully, their drama gets more time to develop, and while it still feels a little rushed, the payoff is quite satisfying.

The series has been quite light on the action up to here. That's made up for in this episode, with plenty of QTE sequences, lots of zombie killing, and a few very tense moments. Annoyingly, the increase in gameplay brings with it an increase in the same frustrating technical issues from previous episodes, with more freezes, the occasional crash and crazy graphical bugs. At one point during the finale there were flying horses… It's maddeningly frustrating, especially on a game that survives on its story and the immersion of the player. It's like someone suddenly stopping a film just as things are getting good. Not to mention then having to replay from the most recent autosave, it has a huge impact on the final product.

Screenshot for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 5: From the Gallows on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10

This new season has had a bumpy ride, launching off from a promising start, but stuttering along the way. Despite all its issues, though, a great story has been told. It's just not within a great game. The technical issues have too huge an impact to ignore. There is even less actual playable game time than normal for a Telltale title, and even this finale ends up feeling a little disappointing. From the beginning, this felt like it would be Javi's complete story, and anything that came after would be around Clem again, but instead of wrapping up loose threads and delivering a complete start-to-end story, it feels like it's setting up a second season for Javi. There's far too much of this in today's media; writing with the sequel in mind instead of just telling a complete story.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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