Dying: Reborn VR (PlayStation 4) Review

By Coller Entragian 06.03.2017

Review for Dying: Reborn VR on PlayStation 4

Dying: Reborn for PlayStation 4 is a bit unusual since it is released as two separate purchases with two different pricing models. With such an unusual sounding title, Dying: Reborn seems like it might have a lot going for it. A puzzle-centric horror game that promises a compelling story? Maybe there is some character that people can connect to and get emotionally invested? Cubed3 finds out in the PSVR edition, Dying: Reborn VR.

Dying: Reborn is a sort of first-person "escape the room" type puzzle game, moving around in a 3D space seeking out clues and trying to solve a variety of puzzles that range from preschool difficulty to Myst levels of obscurity... At least they would be that difficult on the standard version of Dying: Reborn. In the PSVR abridged edition, the puzzles are seriously neutered to laughable extremes where they feel pointless.

The cumbersome inventory interface is probably the most challenging aspect of the entire game. It gets especially frustrating when trying to use puzzle items around the environment, the player-character puts the key item away if it's being used wrong. This means having to constantly go back and forth with the inventory screen when experimenting with key items in every nook and cranny in each room. Much of the puzzles in Dying: Reborn revolve around searching the room and finding keys, figuring out passcodes/combinations, or interacting with some aspect in the area. These are the kind of puzzles that can be expected from the old PlayStation Resident Evil games.

Screenshot for Dying: Reborn VR on PlayStation 4

Visuals are surprisingly decent, if a bit bland or stock. The PSVR version of Dying: Reborn does actually have a few flourishes that are not in the core release, such as steam coming out of pipes and a much more stable frame rate. For a horror game, the lighting is disappointingly flat and even. It lacks any real imagination aesthetically and is just generic, with noticeable recycling of various assets. It is to be expected for a low budget indie title, but considering how small Dying: Reborn is, it does make it feel like maybe the developers bought much of these assets instead of making their own.

Dying: Reborn VR's biggest flaw is by far the lack of control options. Many other horror PSVR titles like Here They Lie and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard have a smooth turning option for moving about, which offers a much more natural way to play in VR. Dying: Reborn only has snap-turning, and the only control options are just adjusting the amount of degrees to snap-turn. For an advanced VR user, this will only frustrate and make them regret their purchase. There is absolutely no reason why the game has to play with this scheme since there is a standard version of the title that uses regular everyday first-person controls. All this does is make the easiest aspect of a game annoying and jarring.

While the story in the standard version of Dying: Reborn is generally uninteresting and poorly acted, the PSVR version has even less going on in it. A distinction between the two versions of Dying: Reborn available on PSN: the PSVR version is half the price of the regular game. This is because, for some inexplicable reason, the VR edition is what the publishers are calling an "abridged" version of the game. This entails that the game has only half the amount of levels and all the puzzles to escape the rooms have been simplified. Those who only play the PSVR version will be extremely confused by the sudden plot details of a missing significant other. Sadly, this iteration of Dying: Reborn is a complete misfire and should have either been included with the standard edition or just featured the entire game in VR.

Screenshot for Dying: Reborn VR on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 3 out of 10


Dying: Reborn VR is a waste that does manage to have some okay visuals and a couple of interesting puzzles that are completely undermined by a lack of smooth turning that ruins the experience. It may be fine for those who don't mind turning at set degrees, but everyone who likes smooth turning should not buy this game at all. It doesn't help that the PSVR version is $9.99, which is, at its core, a feature that should have been in the standard game. Lasting at about two hours, Dying: Reborn VR is just not a worthy purchase for any PSVR customer.




Oasis Games





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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