Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 (PC) Review

By Luna Eriksson 27.12.2016

Review for Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 on PC

It has been a long, difficult, and weird journey for the supernatural detective, Adam Wolfe, but finally it is time for him to confront his nemesis and save his sister from the claws of the Timeless. His most dangerous and difficult tasks are still ahead of him, though. Will the thrilling finale live up to the expectations set by the previous three episodes? Keep on reading right here on Cubed3 to find out if Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 ends with a bang, rather than fizzling out.

Nothing seems to stop the supernatural detective, Adam Wolfe. After his last confrontation with the leader of the Timeless, he got himself shot and is dead in all but spirit. Somehow, though, he manages to pull himself through that, as well, both thanks to the health care, and his strong spirit and love for his sister. The question is if this is enough to take down the group's seemingly omniscient leader in a final confrontation.

The stakes are higher than ever before and it is a very magical story that is told. The supernatural has definitely taken the front seat over the mystery genre here. This does not mean less puzzles and HOPA sections, though - rather the opposite.

Screenshot for Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 on PC

The final episode has a lot of different kinds of puzzles that are both interesting and fun to solve. These are spread through the entire story thanks to the heavy supernatural storytelling, which allows for weird puzzle things to turn up everywhere. The story is also stronger than in previous episodes, giving a bit of back-story and tying together many of the threads introduced so far. Like it should be in this genre, however, more questions are given than answered after the final confrontation, leaving a strong scent of the supernatural behind after the mystery is solved.

Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 is definitely the ending that the story deserved. It is a great high note that takes the strongest parts of the previous titles and weaves them together into a wonderful experience. While not every question is answered, this plays perfectly into the supernatural part of the genre, which definitely takes the wheel in this final episode, creating an extremely thrilling adventure that is impossible to put down until the very end. All in all, it is an extremely strong finale to a very strong story and HOPA title.

Screenshot for Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

After the shaky third episode, Adam Wolfe: Episode 4 fulfils everything that anyone could desire from a final episode to an impressive series. There are plenty of different and interesting puzzles, mixed with a wonderful story that ties together some things, while leaving others up to the player. All in all, it plays on the strong suits of the previous episodes and the result is all but fantastic.


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Mad Head Games





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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