Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live – 2nd Stage (PlayStation 4) Review

By Coller Entragian 15.12.2016

Review for Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live – 2nd Stage on PlayStation 4

Hatsune Miku is back for another performance with more songs and some guest performers. The core mechanics still being the same as ever, is this additional content worth the price of admission for this VR experience? Following her first concert, Hatsune Miku and friends take the 2nd Stage in Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live.

The second stage of Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live offers mostly more of the same, but with new music tracks. The new songs are still the wonderfully catchy and energetic pop songs that is to be expected of Miku, and her new costumes are just as cute as ever. The major additions to the second stage is that Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len and sexy Megurine Luka can take the stage and perform, too. Rin and Len also act as backup dancers to Miku during some of her songs, and like in the first stage, getting the audience amped up can lead to costume transformations.

Screenshot for Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live – 2nd Stage on PlayStation 4

The rhythm mechanics still revolve around shaking a controller to the beat of the music. In some of the more irregular songs it can be a bit tricky to follow along, but the audience seems like they know best, and, really, the best way to stay in sync is to follow their lead. There is still no fail state for not following the rhythm, as Miku and her friends will still perform their routines flawlessly and not miss a beat. The only difference is that maybe the show may not be as spectacular and the idols won't have their costume transformations.

The second stage will please anyone who is already a fan of Hatsune Miku or of VR experiences in general. Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is a very light experience, which is as shallow of a rhythm game as can possibly get, and the implementation of voice detection for the songs is underutilised. The songs are great and feature a wide breadth of emotional beats, but the core game is still stressing the definition of what a game is and, ultimately, Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is still just a VR experience.

Screenshot for Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live – 2nd Stage on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live's second stage is great for those who want to go to a concert without the effort of getting up or leaving home. It is certainly cheaper than the price of actually going to a Miku concert and has more songs to choose from while the show is on. If there is one thing Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live does do well it is simulating the concert-going experience.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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