Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 (PC) Review

By Luna Eriksson 27.10.2016

Review for Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 on PC

When the credits rolled after Adam Wolfe: Episode 1, more questions were given than answered, as should be in an episodic title. The mystery about Adam's lost sister thickens in Adam Wolfe: Episode 2, as a strange man appears in his office and needs help opening a box to save his daughter. The promise of more information about his sister brings him on yet another adventure in a world of occultism and murders. Will this episode live up to the previous one?

Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 catches up right where the last episode ended. Adam had just finished off a mystery and was right back home. However, as anyone who reads mystery novels knows, it doesn't take long before the detective has a new case on its hand. This time, however, the goal is to open a magical box; a task that will prove far more difficult than it sounds, and will take him on a quest beyond the border of death itself.

The story excellently manages to keep the atmosphere of the previous game, while also tuning up the supernatural aspects a notch. More of the world the title takes place in is explored, showing more of the dark and gritty city it takes place in. The title does still juggle with both the pure detective and supernatural mystery genres in quite a skilful way, to make each aspect highlight the strengths of the other keeping the status quo as far as the quality of the story is concerned.

Screenshot for Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 on PC

Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 does, however, manage to improve on some parts quite a lot. The puzzles in episode 2 are often far superior and more common than the ones in episode 1, with an extremely memorable card-game being a great part of the reason behind it. Even though its highs are improved, this has in no way affected the rest of the puzzle experience, with all of them keeping the same fresh feeling, thanks to the great variety in them that prevents it all from ever feeling repetitive.

The biggest issue with this game is that the episode ends at quite a cliffhanger, hiding the reason about what's going on in here behind the next episode. While it leaves players hungry for more, this might feel like a cheap cut-off. Fortunately, wile episode 1 ended in a way that felt less disrupting, Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 is still a very worthy continuation of the series, improving on far more aspects than it missed.

Screenshot for Adam Wolfe: Episode 2 on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Weird and forced cliffhanger aside, Adam Wolfe Episode: 2 keeps the quality, and in some parts even improves upon the base that Adam Wolfe: Episode 1 left. The world building and the mixture of hardboiled detective and supernatural mystery feels as natural as it did in the original, while the puzzles are improved upon, with the most memorable part highlighting that said improvement being a certain high-stake card game that is quite strategic and exciting to play.


Mad Head


Mad Head Games





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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