Link's Crossbow Training (Wii) Second Opinion Review

By Thom Compton 12.03.2016

Review for Link

Younger gamers are just as graced, in their own way, to have the discoveries of Halo 5 and The Division as older gamers were to first be graced by Link all the way back in 1986. It must have been surprising, for those older players, to stumble across Link's Crossbow Training. It was, at first glance, the Legend of Zelda equivalent to Halo 5: Master Chief's Cooking Class in the eyes of the adamant Zelda fan. However, once they tried it, they were left to discover something that actually played very well. If only the outer coating of this hidden treat was slightly different...

Link's Crossbow Training is all about, unsurprisingly, improving your crossbow skills. The areas included all come from Twilight Princess, and still contain that sombre tone. Overall, the package is a bit more upbeat then its graphical source material, but everything is still intact, and features nine levels with three modes to play them in, each feeling a bit more enjoyable then the last.

The black sheep is Target Practice, which almost feels like Wii Sports: Hyrule. It's not a bad mode, perse, and the Wii Remote functions beautifully when aiming. Defender is a bit like a rail shooter, while Ranger feels the closest to the games, managing to give off a staunch, third-person shooter feel.

While working through all nine stages, earning medals and vanquishing two very easy bosses, each mode feels very smooth and the gameplay is engaging enough to keep attention levels high. What could the problem possibly be, then? Well, it's simple really. There's no reason for this to be part of the Zelda heritage.

Screenshot for Link's Crossbow Training on Wii

This could have featured any other character in videogame history and it would have felt the same. The decision to make this Link's Crossbow Training and not something else seems to be the Nintendo equivalent of Dorito's Crash Course. It's a good thing this plays so well or else the two could have shared similar fates.

Another glaring issue is the overall length, which is arguably its roughest asset. Not even the weakest of gamers would stretch a single mode to more than a few hours in total, and a skilled player can easily breeze through in under an hour. This is actually the greatest weakness, as while the gameplay is very good, there's not a lot of it. Right when the player is finally getting the feel of things, the credits start rolling.

Packaged originally with the clunky and awkward Wii Zapper, it was actually best to play without it, as it was more akin to attaching a car frame to your Wii Remote than a cool peripheral. Fortunately, it came with Link's Crossbow Training as a freebie, so there was no negatives tied to this fine arcade shooter. It also controls better than most other arcade shooters. While they may not be "must haves," the inclusion of many of Link's most memorable foes does have a certain level of nostalgic charm that can't be overlooked. Going for medals is really fun, and it's enjoyable to take sort of a low key ride through Twilight Princess' most interesting places.

Screenshot for Link's Crossbow Training on Wii

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


Link's Crossbow Training is an odd game. It's a wonderful shooter that seems to have Zelda slapped onto it to get more people to pick up a peripheral that was awkward and bulky. It's sound business, but Nintendo isn't the kind of company to just let whacking Link's name into the title be enough. This is a well-crafted third-person shooter, but it tends to lean way too far to the short side. Perhaps with a longer campaign and more to do within said campaign, this could have been a juggernaut to match the series it spawned from.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

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