By Drew Hurley 14.02.2015
Warning: Each episode review will contain spoilers for the previous episode. Reviews of previous chapters can be found here: Episode 1: Faith, Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors, and Episode 3: A Crooked Mile.
The previous episode continued to punish poor Bigby and contained an awful lot! Finding out about Crane being the murderer along with his obsession with Snow, being none too welcome at a Funeral, getting shot again, realising he can't repair the magic mirror, then finally tracking down Crane just to get mortally wounded and have him snatched away yet again! Welcome to Cubed3's review of The Wolf Among Us - Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing.
The previous episode ended with the introduction of a new antagonist in "Bloody Mary" and finally got the primary antagonist was seen, albeit briefly, in the appearance of "The Crooked Man." A shadowy figure with his team of villains, it's cliché but works well, especially considering the source material. With The Crooked Man now holding Crane and the big reveal from the last episode that Crane wasn't responsible for the murders, this episode follows Snow and a badly beaten Bigby as they have to re-examine everything they thought they had established.
Snow really comes into her own here, taking control and setting herself as deputy mayor, becoming much more like her comic counterpart character. Although her rise to power does mean she gives Bigby some difficult choices to make...
As with all the previous episodes, there are some outstanding and dynamic QTE-laden combat scenes that allow the player to craft how Bigby performs the fight. This episode also again allows a choice of where to investigate. Each choice doesn't drastically change the overall outcome of the episode but it does mean slight differences and reveals dependant on the order of places visited, definitely making it worth a few play-throughs to get the whole story.
The dark underbelly of Fabletown opens up more and more, showing the full extent of the criminal enterprises of The Crooked Man. The pawn shop "The Lucky Pawn" and its owner "The Jersey Devil" are the latest part of this, along with an underground magic making and selling setup… It seems The Crooked Man is something of a necessary evil that in a way helps the lower classes of Fabletown, and the episode raises ethical questions that make gamers wonder how this can really be resolved into a happy ending when so many people are affected.
In a series filled with cliff-hangers, this episode ends particularly well, setting up the conclusion with both Mary and The Crooked Man. With so many threads left dangling, though, can it all really be wrapped up in one last chapter?!
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing is possibly the best episode thus far. The Lucky Pawn and its owner, the Jersey Devil, are superb, and on the same level as the introduction of Georgie and The Pudding Pie. This episode again includes some branching pathways that are all worth trying to see more world building and character development. Much more of the same in this episode, which is a very good thing!
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