Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii) Reader Review

Posted by By Laurelin 5 Number of reads 1039 Posted 03.01.2009

I just bought this game, went to holidays and got home a pair of days ago.
I looked at it and said 'sure jb said it was good, but... only rescueing people?', 'doing the nintendo-thing?'...

Okay, today I inserted it into Wii and started playing.

Cutscenes? Great... they are skilfully directed imho.

Graphics? okay... certainly over RE4's standard, but that one is declining over the years. The suroundings are a bit blocky, but that's a Wii-thing. Textures aren't bad.
But there are other things more up to date.
Animations are great, there are a lot of them and they fit! Models are good, a bit stiff, but that's not bad considering Wii's limited capabilities.

But what's blowing me away are the game mechanics. Surely, you rescue people, but apart from that you shoot a lot. They give you some unique things to take care of: Your lungs get full of smoke, you will be set under fire when touching it, you have to take care of your stamina and health (which both aren't regenerating themselves, you have to eat and maybe pump some... ehm... drugs into your veins), and have to reload and shoot a lot.

The just took some days in the life of a military man and rescuer and gave you the game mechanics to life them.

I just played through the tutorial and the first state, where you enter a hideout of SURGE, your opposing enemies in the game (more I will not tell).
It's everything Red Steel missed: great shootouts, only-sometimes-railshooting, fleeing from things crushing or overtaking you and inbetween a story worth watching.

Story: I don't know how the stroy will unfold, I played only 2 stages, but it is deeply told and most certainly hasn't to hide behind titles nowadays. It has great atmosphere, seems to be believable. The hero reacts in ways believable, has a voice (I hate hero's being silent that the 'player thinks he's the one on screen!) and reacts within his personality.
There are some twists right at stage 2 where the story get's complicated.

Really, if you like Metal Gear Solid (I only played 'The Twin Snakes'), RE4, MGS4 (it's the master of cutscenes and story, but Disaster is surprisingly close behind in atmosphere), Red Steel, then you have a game here worth buying!
It may be one of Nintendo's first approaches to big-ass-Xbox360-games for a long time, but it's brillant.
Just buy this game, enjoy the story, shoot out your fears and do us some good: encourage Nintendo to make more games like that!

I don't like heroes ore games to be too brutal or without conscience to the real world, escpecially when becoming more and more realistic (Like God of War and some others). Here you are encouraged to rescue citicens, team members and get points for being godd at it. It never feels heroic or alltogether cheesy, it feels right, it fits. This game isn't for Nintendo-pussies only, it's as core as the coming High Voltage game The Conduit.

Vertainly a 9 out of 10 for me. And I seldom think a game should be rated perfect 10.

I din't play through it, so I shouldn't rate it. But I will nonetheless and extrapolate. That I will correct when I did play through the entire game. So consider 'length 8' and final rating a guess.

Laurelin's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Reader comments - add yours today Comments on this Review

Wow, nice review!!

I've heard of this game long ago, but then it disappeared off the face of the world. But now that it's back, I might just have to pick it up! ;-Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Nice review. Very.Dis.join.ed.
Though Smilie

Really want this Stateside...nice review. Smilie

Good stuffs and nice style lol

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm sorry, I watch movies and play games in English a lot, but am no native speaker. *lol*
Hey, remember? I was the one who snickered! Smilie

I was excited and just wrote it for me. And surely jumped around a lot. I never thought this would get so much attention. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (35 Votes)

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