Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By supermariowii 0 Number of reads 969 Posted 27.12.2007

i've played several yu-gi-oh games. some where a certain atribute had superiority to another. others were card effects were utterly butchered. however none of them are worse than this one. that's right this is the worst yu-gi-oh game ever. first off, this isn't a standard card playing varient, no that would have been cool, especialy if they'd had added tag battle phisics. what this is though is you, playig as kaiba, joey, or yugi, in an rpg type game. now i like rpg's but this one is horible. what you do is randomly wonder and get challenged by other yu-gi-oh monsters. it sounds like a good idea, but playing this is not all that fun. people play pokemon to raise pokemon up level by level and battle numerous foes. that is fun. what people like about yu-gi-oh, esides the cool monsters, amazing spells and devious trpas, is the fact you can construct a deck and that have a real sweet battle. this game is very tedious, very time consuming, and even after that you might complete the first part of the game!!! luckily i only rented the game. me with all of my expertise with yu-gi-oh, found myself fusterated with the game quickly. if you like yu-gi-oh games don't get this one. if you think you might like this game, get pokemon. pokemon bue or red version is better than this. thank you for reading, i hope this prevents people from wasting money on the terrible game that is the false bound kingdom.

supermariowii's Rating Rated $score out of 10  3/10

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Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (8 Votes)

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