Digimon World DS (Nintendo DS) Reader Review

Posted by By Gman101112 0 Number of reads 580 Posted 02.08.2007

This game is purely one of the best games I have ever played in my life. Sometimes it is a little over-challenging and sometimes a little easy but otherwise this is one of the best games I've played.
The gameplay is great it could be the newest generation for Digimon games. You have new things called Digi-Farms. You can raise multiple Digimon in these farms. That is what made this game so great for me. I like to raise many Digimon at once.
The bad thing about this game is that its is quite short. You maybe able to beat it in about 1-2 months. Because I play this a lot I beat it in about a month, but I don't know about you though. Don't take my word for it though because in general it is a great game!

Gman101112's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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