Digimon World DS (Nintendo DS) Reader Review

Posted by By kirbyRadio 0 Number of reads 698 Posted 05.07.2007

Digimon fans all over the world
[ including me ] have been waiting for a great Digimon game. The time for waiting is over. Bandai finally came out with Digimon world DS for our Nintendo DS and thing are looking good.

The story goes like this. While your looking up Digimon on the computer you literally get sucked into the computer into another world called the Digital World. You the player becomes a tamer and tames wild Digimon into becoming nice and obedient digimon. Along the way Digimon or other tamers battle you to get what they want or just to conquer the world.

The Digimon collecting system is very different from other games which makes this game unique. Once you get 100% of a Digimon's data it can get scaned for a new Digimon. Another way to get Digimon is wireless trade or matching on wi-fi connection.

Every few seconds in a dungeon you will get into fights with wild Digimon. It has an order system to see who goes next. Before each battle it will scan all Digimon. Then after battle you get Exp.You can also fight at a stadium and fight wirelessly with other players.

Digimon World DS also has one of the best 2-d graphics on the Ds. All the dungeons have small and large details like a spider web platform or oil tanks. The Hub has lots of stores and holds the stadiums. It has a gate system for Digi-Farms and and has help center and wireless comunications center.

The last thing of Digimon world Ds is Digi-Farms. Here you can place Digimon for safe keeping, train Digimon, and Digi-convert Digimon data once you get 100% of it. It is also where you can raise Digi-eggs.

All in all Bandai did a great job on Digimon world Ds

kirbyRadio's Rating Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (72 Votes)

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