Tetris DS (Nintendo DS) Reader Review

Posted by By nighm 0 Number of reads 675 Posted 24.08.2006

This is a review for Tetris DS. This game is exactly what it claims to be and delivers fully on what it promises. TETRIS! We all know what Tetris is, so I won't explain. This game truly does deliver Tetris exactly how you want it. Simple and fun. The presentation is also splendid. The simplistic graphics show you exactly what you want to see while adding adding some nostalgia by adding Nintendo themes to the top screen. The music is also pulled directly from Nintendo games and is as wonderful as an ymusic in a game can get. There are also a few other modes in the game, my favorites being Mission and Puzzle, but they aren't necessary when you have the Standard Tetris game.

My favorite feature in this game is probably the Wi-Fi support. You can quickly and easily play against other players all over the world and attempt to make you rating go up by defeating other players. This has kept up into the wee hours in the morning, so if you are looking for any puzzle game to satisfy yourself, then you simply can't go wrong with this. So DS Game of the Year Award goes to Tetris DS. Congratulations.

nighm's Rating Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

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