Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Nintendo DS) Reader Review

Posted by By JoshSL 0 Number of reads 1179 Posted 21.06.2006

I found this page after much confusingness... since there isn't a review, I may as well post mine! XD

When you first turn on the game, you look at the crap graphics & Create-a-Sk8er mode & think (aww damn) but then when you play the game, you notice that the graphics are completely awesome! Pixellated faces suck up close, but in the game you see the back of your head, & the screen is moving too fast to see the pixellated towns & landscapes!

The game is so smooth to play! Hard playing 3D Tony without a control stick? Hardly, it's a miricle to play, the transitions between moves are so smooth, the controls are easy to pick up & so easy to use! I would say it's a lot easier to get going & to easily become a "pro sk8er gamer" than on previous games, like THPS3 for GC, my other TH game.

Although the levels are quite small, & there aren't that many, you can still have SO MUCH FUN while playing this game, the best thing is it gives you a real sense of FREEDOM! You can basically go anywhere, & unlike on other games when it says (you can't go any further) you don't seem to care, you just turn around & grind some crazy stunts the other way! You can grind & wallride almost anywhere, & they're my favourite tricks, as you can rack up a massive score & combo for finding a round pool & wallriding & grinding, as long as you have good finger works & reflexes Smilie

The Storymode is awesome, but incredibly cheesy, Tony Hawk sees an amateur do pretty good in a tourny & immediately invites him to go with them on a tour, & they travel around with this sk8 nerd Mindy, who want to make a comic called American Sk8land, based on an old sk8 park, that they try to rebuild by traveling to make money, it's incredibly surreal the way pro sk8ers don't get pissed off with this amatuer asking for money, & Mindy being alive, but an awesome experience to play none the less!!

The game is also incredible to play online, you can download new goals that they make every month, so check that out, also it's a lot harder to beat everyone on this than on Mario Kart, you bail & mess up moves, so it's never certain!

Awesome game, a definite for Tony fans, & just an awesome game for non tony fans too! I reccommend!

JoshSL's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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