Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo 3DS) Reader Review

Posted by By georg3 1 Number of reads 10739 Posted 23.11.2013

Mario has always saved Peach having journeyed across 2d platforms in every game but Super Mario 64 so when Super Mario 3D Land came out I was incredibly excited. There were few changed to the in game items with the return of the tanooki leaf from Super Mario Land 3 as well as the same simple plot seen in previous Mario adventures but this time the 3D level and landscapes gave a whole new level of fun with much more exploration. The first 8 worlds were lacking in complexity however,blatantly aimed at a younger audience who will play the game but once the main game is done a further 8 worlds offer the player the challenge that was lacking with cosmo Mario and harder challenges to face. From the 3D overhaul to the varying complexity I rate this game 9.0/10

georg3's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Nice quick review! Super Mario 3D was the reason why I bought my 3DS in first place.

There s always a kid inside each of us

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3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (16 Votes)

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