Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By D-Ritt 0 Number of reads 718 Posted 08.07.2005

As an owner of this game I can say this game is one of the best games for GC.

It has great graphics, and im someone who does not look for graphics in a game. the Enemies are goofy yet cool like the Chicken plant creature.

With the bongos its a new twist on a game. you can play with a contrller but I tried and I did not like it.

When I first got it I could not put it down because it was so fun. The Replay value is very high. This by far is my favorite donkey kong game!

There is only three minor down sides; Itis kinda short. It seems like a lot of levels but after you play a while you realize the leves are not that long. There are only four types of bosses. An alligator or a tiger would have been a cool boss. There could have been some secrets material too (like extra characters)(Diddy Kong any one?). Hopefully nintendo will make a sequel. I would defenitly get it

D-Ritt's Rating Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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