Well I got this great game for easter and I must say omg this game F*ucking rocks. Ok first thing they added melle atacks(very useful), cross aroos on screen at all tims(even better then holding in the L button), and the story mode kicks A$$. THe graphics are way better then Time Spliters 2 but are up there with MP2, RE4, or even Half Life 2. But still they do have that .free readical feel to it. Anyway the main catch to this game is the gameplay. Mulitplayer even better then 2(hard to pull off but they did it). I think the muliplayer in my option is better then that oh Halo 2, Half Life 2, and right up there with Unreal Tourment 2004. But all in all this is one kick a$$ shoter but if you dont got alot of people to play muliplayer with bot matchs can get boring after 100 hours of playing them so hope you got lots of friends to kick there a$$. If you have a cube or even xbox or ps2 dont think twice about geting this game. It rocks but it now. IF you dont got the money to buy it now sell your soul.
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