Do you know... Mario? #1

Are you as clued up as the living library of the Mushroom Kingdom, Toadsworth? Have a go at 10 completely random Mario questions. May contain spoilers.

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1) In Super Mario RPG what did Maple Syrup do?

In Super Mario RPG what did Maple Syrup do? a) Improve critical hit rate
b) Regenerates Flower Points
c) Put the enemy to sleep
d) Heal all allies

2) Takashi Nagasako is the voice of which recurring Mario character?

Takashi Nagasako is the voice of which recurring Mario character? a) Bowser
b) Wario
c) Luigi
d) Donkey Kong

3) The Banisher belongs to which racer in Mario Kart DS?

The Banisher belongs to which racer in Mario Kart DS? a) Waluigi
b) Bowser
c) Dry Bones
d) Wario

4) In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, who is the leader of the Robbo Gang?

In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, who is the leader of the Robbo Gang? a) Peeka
b) Ishnail
c) Don Pianta
d) Goose

5) This creature lives in the depths of Noki Bay in Super Mario Sunshine

This creature lives in the depths of Noki Bay in Super Mario Sunshine a) Gooper King
b) Big Dipper
c) Eely Mouth
d) Octogoon

6) A reccuring snowman in the Mario series goes by the name...

A reccuring snowman in the Mario series goes by the name... a) Mr. Blizzard
b) Seneor Snow
c) Captain Freeze
d) Mr. Frosted

7) Kammy Koopa blocks the gate in which Paper Mario location?

Kammy Koopa blocks the gate in which Paper Mario location? a) Toad Town
b) Boo Mansion
c) Mt. Rugged
d) Goomba Village

8) Which of these isn't a stadium in Super Mario Sluggers?

Which of these isn't a stadium in Super Mario Sluggers? a) Peach Ice Gardens
b) Yoshi Park
c) Bowser Jr.'s Playroom
d) Wario's Treasure Cove

9) Which game did the Mecha Koopa make their debut?

Which game did the Mecha Koopa make their debut? a) Super Mario World
b) Super Mario Land 2
c) Mario Party 4
d) Super Mario Galaxy

10) If you get hit by the Koopa Zapper in Mario Kart Wii, what happens?

If you get hit by the Koopa Zapper in Mario Kart Wii, what happens? a) Warp to the beginning of the pipe
b) Kart goes into reverse
c) Kart shrinks
d) Kart slows down to zero

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
9SirLink 4/1001:08
10Hyrule Kitten4/1001:24
14Tamaki 3/1002:22
15MK7 Master3/1003:04

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( Edited 30.10.2017 07:04 by Guest )

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