Do you know... The Legend of Zelda? #1

How well do you know Nintendo's iconic adventure series? Take our test on over 25 years of Hylian History and find out. Warning: Could Contain Spoilers.

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1) Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto created The Legend of Zelda with...

Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto created The Legend of Zelda with... a) Akira Himekawa
b) Takashi Tezuka
c) Eiji Aonuma
d) Mahito Yokota

2) Which of these platforms did the first game, The Legend of Zelda, not appear on?

Which of these platforms did the first game, The Legend of Zelda, not appear on? a) Nintendo 3DS
b) Nintendo Wii
c) Nintendo Game Boy
d) Nintendo GameCube

3) The Goron hero in Majora's Mask can be seen using...

The Goron hero in Majora's Mask can be seen using... a) Playing the Song of Healing
b) Lighting torches
c) Using the Lens of Truth
d) Throwing a Deku Seed

4) In Twilight Princess, the townsman who polishes shoes was called...

In Twilight Princess, the townsman who polishes shoes was called... a) Buckle
b) Slipper
c) Heel
d) Soal

5) Gossip Stones in the series have what emblem inscribed?

Gossip Stones in the series have what emblem inscribed? a) Sage Stone
b) The Triforce
c) The Sheikah Emblem
d) The Great Owl

6) BS The Legend of Zelda was a Live Download for What System?

BS The Legend of Zelda was a Live Download for What System? a) Satellaview
b) Stream
d) NCore

7) BS The Legend of Zelda had a character replacing protagonist Link who was called?

BS The Legend of Zelda had a character replacing protagonist Link who was called? a) Hero
b) Shiek
c) Avatar
d) Mascot

8) What does Fuzo, an apprentice in Phantom Hourglass, carry in his pocket?

What does Fuzo, an apprentice in Phantom Hourglass, carry in his pocket? a) A Slingshot
b) A Teddy
c) A World Map
d) A Compass

9) In The Minish Cap, Link and Zelda attended which school?

In The Minish Cap, Link and Zelda attended which school? a) Legendary Library
b) Hylia Historia
c) Hyrule College
d) Funday School

10) In Link's Crossbow Training, which Final Boss does Link face?

In Link's Crossbow Training, which Final Boss does Link face? a) Fossil Stallord
b) Ganondorf
c) Giga Gibdo
d) King Poe

11) In Twilight Princess, what spoils are left by Imp Poes?

In Twilight Princess, what spoils are left by Imp Poes? a) Shadow Crystal
b) Lantern
c) Fairy Tears
d) Poe Skin

12) Link's home in Twilight Princess was known as?

Link's home in Twilight Princess was known as? a) Hyrule Castle Town
b) Faron Woods
c) Ordon Village
d) Eldin Spring

13) Bronzi, a character in Skyward Sword, likes to show his...

Bronzi, a character in Skyward Sword, likes to show his... a) Gold Fillings
b) Hookshot
c) Bomb Bag
d) Secret Treasure

14) A rare fish in Hyrule is crowned...?

A rare fish in Hyrule is crowned...? a) Hyrule Bass
b) Hylian Loach
c) Triforce Trout
d) Ordon Catfish

15) In Twlight Princess Link escorts Telma, Ilia, and Prince Ralis to which location?

In Twlight Princess Link escorts Telma, Ilia, and Prince Ralis to which location? a) Hidden Village
b) Death Mountain
c) Hyrule Castle Town
d) Kakariko Village

16) Link Plays Hide and Seek with which group in Wind Waker?

Link Plays Hide and Seek with which group in Wind Waker? a) Skull Kids
b) Killer Bees
c) Kokiri
d) Gorons

17) In The Adventure of Link, Doomraddle throw what towards our hero?

In The Adventure of Link, Doomraddle throw what towards our hero? a) Arrows
b) Maces
c) Axes
d) Fireballs

18) In The Wind Waker, which item does Link not use?

In The Wind Waker, which item does Link not use? a) Boomerang
b) Pirate's Charm
c) Slingshot
d) Mirror Shield

19) Who Developed Oracle of Seasons/Ages

Who Developed Oracle of Seasons/Ages a) HAL
b) Marvelous
c) Nintendo
d) Flagship

20) Boss Keys in Link's Awakening were called?

Boss Keys in Link's Awakening were called? a) Heros Emblem
b) Dream Pick
c) Doom Key
d) Nightmare Key

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
10Hyrule Kitten12/2014:21
11SirLink 11/2002:42

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