Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Quiz #1

How well do you know the newest generation in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y? Test your Pokémon knowledge with 10 quick-fire questions.

The latest entries in the long-running series take place in an all new world full of classic and undiscovered critters, plus introduces brand new moves, Gym leaders and locations.

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1) Starter Pokémon Chespin has what sort of personality?

Starter Pokémon Chespin has what sort of personality? a) Curious
b) Tempermental
c) Lazy
d) Fiesty

2) Newly discovered Sylveon evolves from which Pokémon?

Newly discovered Sylveon evolves from which Pokémon? a) Persian
b) Eevee
c) Zangoose
d) Purugly

3) Where does Pokémon X and Pokémon Y take place?

Where does Pokémon X and Pokémon Y take place? a) Utopia Region
b) Starville Region
c) Chaos Region
d) Kalos Region

4) Which of the three Pokémon weighs the lightest?

Which of the three Pokémon weighs the lightest? a) Chespin
b) Fennekin
c) Froakie
d) They all weigh the same

5) New Pokémon Pancham is which type?

New Pokémon Pancham is which type? a) Ground
b) Normal
c) Fighting/Water
d) Fighting

6) How do trainers ride on Gogoat?

How do trainers ride on Gogoat? a) Use the move 'Mount'
b) Grab hold of its horns
c) Put it to sleep first
d) Feed it berries

7) Which Pokédex do trainers use in Pokémon X and Y?

Which Pokédex do trainers use in Pokémon X and Y?

8) Who is directing Pokémon X and Pokémon Y?

Who is directing Pokémon X and Pokémon Y? a) Satoshi Tajiri
b) Junichi Masuda
c) Ken Sugimori
d) Shigeru Miyamoto

9) What is the Japanese name for Fletchling?

What is the Japanese name for Fletchling? a) Ninfia
b) Erikiteru
c) Yanchamu
d) Yayakoma

10) How much does Helioptile weigh?

How much does Helioptile weigh? a) 13.2 lbs
b) 15.4 lbs
c) 13.8 lbs
d) 9.8 lbs

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
7Esteban Faundez10/1006:07
12Che Mack B8/1005:28

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Reader comments - add yours today Comments on this Quiz

Sean (guest) 19.05.2013#1

I got 10/10

Sean (guest) said:
I got 10/10

If you signed up you'd be on the leaderboard Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Calum Macleod (guest) 19.05.2013#3

I got 10/10

I'm-a Number One! Smilie

Hahah, damn, I didn't realise it was timed, I would have paid attention instead of playing DS at the same time. XD

Ikana said:
Hahah, damn, I didn't realise it was timed, I would have paid attention instead of playing DS at the same time. XD

Ya! It's the only way we can decide positioning in the table Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Edward Griffin (guest) 20.05.2013#7

10/10 awe yea

Y2R (guest) 20.05.2013#8

That was Easy!

I signed in and then all the answers were 0? That's not right!

Reiji said:
I signed in and then all the answers were 0? That's not right!

Hi - sorry - you have to be signed in before taking the quiz in order to be on the leaderboard Smilie I've removed your entry so you can try again Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
devin (guest) 22.05.2013#11

I live in Japan so I will get the game first.

What the hell?! i log in on this page to get on the leaderboard and it give me 0/10 with a time of 59:22!

BobMcFurguson said:
What the hell?! i log in on this page to get on the leaderboard and it give me 0/10 with a time of 59:22!

Hi Bob, you have to login first before taking the quiz - not sure about that time. I've deleted your entry, you can give it another go if you wish Smilie

( Edited 22.05.2013 18:06 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

awsome im on the leaderboard.......... hurry up pokemon Y

Matthew Lukacek (guest) 09.08.2013#15

I like water and fire pokemon move to make a new pokemon call  turtle pokemon

hitmonlevi (guest) 01.01.2014#16

10/10 in 18 seconds bros.

espeone (guest) 13.12.2017#17


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