Distorted N64 Image Quiz #1

Your favourite Nintendo 64 games have been distorted! Can you guess these classic gems?

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1) The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?

The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?
a) Banjo Tooie
b) Mario Party 3
c) Mario Tennis
d) Super Mario 64

2) Which Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask mask is shown in the following distorted image?

Which Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask mask is shown in the following distorted image?
a) Mask of Truth
b) Gibdo Mask
c) Bremen Mask
d) Romani Mask

3) The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?

The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?
a) Pokémon Snap
b) Pokémon Puzzle League
c) Pokémon Stadium
d) Hey You Pikachu!

4) The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 racing game?

The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 racing game?
a) Ridge Racer 64
b) Top Gear Overdrive
c) California Speed
d) Cruis'n Exotica

5) The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?

The following distorted image is from which Nintendo 64 game?
a) Snowboard Kids 2
b) 007: The World is Not Enough
c) Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding
d) 1080 Snowboarding

6) The following distorted image is of which course in Super Mario 64?

The following distorted image is of which course in Super Mario 64?
a) Jolly Roger Bay
b) Hazy Maze Cave
c) Wet Dry world
d) Dire, Dire Docks

7) This distorted circuit in Mario Kart 64 was part of which Cup?

This distorted circuit in Mario Kart 64 was part of which Cup?
a) Mushroom Cup
b) Star Cup
c) Flower Cup
d) Special Cup

8) Goldeneye had numerous guns, but which one is in this distorted image?

Goldeneye had numerous guns, but which one is in this distorted image?
a) KF7 Soviet
b) Klobb
c) Automatic Shotgun
d) US AR33 Assault Rifle

9) Which of these Nintendo 64 racers has been disorted?

Which of these Nintendo 64 racers has been disorted?
a) Wipeout 64
b) F-Zero X
c) Extreme-G
d) Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer

10) Which of these games does the following distorted snap originate from?

Which of these games does the following distorted snap originate from?
a) Mario Kart
b) Mario Tennis
c) Banjo-Kazooie
d) Diddy Kong Racing

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