Ten Questions on Nintendo Hardware

Nintendo hardware is renowned for quality and style, but how much do you know about the box that powers the games?

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1) The SNES, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, is known as what in Japan?

The SNES, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, is known as what in Japan? a) Nintendo Entertainent GX
b) Super Chip Controller
c) Super Nintendo 2
d) Super Famicom

2) Nintendo released standalone consoles before the NES called...

Nintendo released standalone consoles before the NES called... a) Colour TV Game
b) Game Box
c) Nintendo GamePlay
d) Digi-Game

3) The GameCube had variation with a DVD player manufactured by which company?

The GameCube had variation with a DVD player manufactured by which company? a) LG
b) Samsung
c) Toshiba
d) Panasonic

4) The Sharp Nintendo Television had which console built in?

The Sharp Nintendo Television had which console built in? a) NES
b) Game Boy Colour
c) Nintendo 64

5) Which of these facts about the Wii isn't true?

Which of these facts about the Wii isn't true? a) Released in 2006
b) Has a GPU known as 'Hollywood'
c) Has 3 USB slots
d) Was known as 'Revolution'

6) What is the name of this Nintendo handheld?

What is the name of this Nintendo handheld? a) Pocket Boy GX
b) Game Boy Lite
c) Pokemon Mini
d) Pikachu's Pocket Adventure

7) Which of these facts about the 3DS isn't true?

Which of these facts about the 3DS isn't true? a) Has 2 external cameras
b) Is 2.9 inches high
c) Was originally to be called the Nintendo Pocket 3D
d) Uses a stereoscopic LCD

8) The disk drive for the N64 console wss called?

The disk drive for the N64 console wss called? a) N-Disk
b) Nintendo 64 Drive
c) Nintendo 64DD
d) Nintendo iQue 64

9) The SNES CD-ROM eventually became which console?

The SNES CD-ROM eventually became which console? a) SEGA Saturn
b) Sony PlayStation
c) GameCube
d) iQue Player

10) What is the name of this portable Nintendo console?

What is the name of this portable Nintendo console? a) Game Boy Nano
b) Game Boy Micro
c) Game Boy Lite
d) Game Boy Pocket GX

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8Cheesing It Up9/1001:47
15SirLink 7/1001:26
18Hyrule Kitten4/1001:30

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Blimey you guys know your hardware well Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

An old friend of mine had the Sharp Nintendo TV. Took me a while thinking whether it was the NES or SNES built into it though, but then I remembered how I used to play SMB3 on it and his little brother used to turn off the TV whilst we were playing. It really annoyed me, haha.

I'm such a nerd. Smilie

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