Do you know... Kirby? #1

How well do you know the world's most popular puffball, Kirby? Find out in Dream Land's random ten questions on his many adventures. May contain spoilers!

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1) This chap was located in which level in Kirby's Epic Yarn?

This chap was located in which level in Kirby's Epic Yarn? a) Fossil Reef
b) Boom Boatyard
c) Secret Island
d) Splash Beach

2) What is the name of this reccuring Kirby item?

What is the name of this reccuring Kirby item? a) Invincibility Candy
b) Star Sweet
c) Love Lollipop
d) Twister Treat

3) What game features the Big Stickle?

What game features the Big Stickle? a) Kirby Mass Attack
b) Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble‎
c) Kirby's Return to Dreamland
d) Kirby: Squeak Squad‎

4) What was the first Kirby game in the series?

What was the first Kirby game in the series? a) Kirby's Avalanche
b) Kirby's Dream Land
c) Kirby Super Star Stacker
d) Kirby Adventure

5) In Kirby 64, how did Match Kirby work?

In Kirby 64, how did Match Kirby work? a) Rolling into a tree
b) Rubbing a towel on Kirby's head
c) Absorbing a cooker
d) Eating a spark and firing it at a tree

6) What item is Kirby after in Kirby: Squeak Squad?

What item is Kirby after in Kirby: Squeak Squad? a) Strawberry Shortcake
b) A Blue Cheese
c) A Golden Hammer
d) The Squeak Lens

7) Who owns this ship?

Who owns this ship? a) Kirby
b) Meta Knight
c) King Dedede
d) Prince Fluff

8) What is the name of this enemy in Kirby's Return to Dream Land?

What is the name of this enemy in Kirby's Return to Dream Land? a) Knuckle Joe
b) Broom Hatter
c) Super Blade Knight
d) Sheld

9) What was the name of this cancelled title for the Super Nintendo?

What was the name of this cancelled title for the Super Nintendo? a) Kid Kirby
b) Kirby's Cake
c) Adventures of Kirby
d) Time! Kirby School Adventure

10) What is the name of this Kirby's Dream Land enemy?

What is the name of this Kirby's Dream Land enemy? a) Puffy
b) Cloud
c) Rainy
d) Cool Dude

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