By the way, what's next? LEGO Back To The Future? LEGO Jurassic Park?
What other famous trilogies do we have?
By Adam Riley 26.03.2011
Unfortunately, the Pirates of the Caribbean video game franchise has not been treated anywhere near as well as the initial movie trilogy, and the games that Cubed3 has reviewed over the years go to show how poor the movie tie-ins have been. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End on Wii scored a miserable 5/10, whilst the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS versions of Dead Man’s Chest obtained 6/10 and 3/10, respectively. Thankfully, though, Traveller’s Tales has been enlisted by Disney Interactive Studios to ensure that this poor trend no longer continues, with LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game aiming to bring Captain Jack Sparrow to life in a fun-filled, LEGO-ised swashbuckling adventure.
UK-based development outfit, Traveller’s Tales (or TT Games, as it now seems to go by), has made a name for itself by creating a whole slew of different LEGO-based video game adaptations of popular Intellectual Property. Starting off with the excellent LEGO Star Wars, then quickly moving through LEGO Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Batman and even LEGO Rock Band! Some may start to think of the word ‘overkill’ here, but the success levels of each successive release goes to show the demand is as high as ever, and the stream of high scores rolling out from various media publications around the world highlight how TT Games has managed to expertly dodge the ‘rinse and repeat’ formula some other developers use for regularly updated series.
Cubed3 was pleasantly surprised to find that there were several new games on show at the recent Nintendo 3DS Ignition UK launch party, one of which was LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, which is set for release in Europe in May alongside the first in the new trilogy of movies, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. After sampling the delights of LEGO Stars Wars III: The Clone Wars on 3DS lately and finding that Traveller’s Tales was not exaggerating when it stated the Wii game has effectively been transferred to the smaller screen without any loss of quality, getting the chance to trial LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game was a great surprise and delight.
The idea behind this upcoming Nintendo 3DS release is to re-create as many of the memorable moments from the movie’s illustrious history, bringing the best moments to life via LEGO mini-figures in fantastic worlds built out of LEGO bricks, complete with enemies that when despatched crumble into tiny blocks and spray LEGO coins all over, ripe for collection. In the final game, players will be able to take on the role of more than 70 characters as they work through various pirate adventures and witness numerous hilariously quirky LEGO cut-scenes. There are several Nintendo 3DS-exclusive features to be found, such as the chance to use the 3DS system’s Play Coins in the game itself, the inclusion of a ‘chance encounter’ system, plus high resolution visuals that are easily on a par with the home console iterations and obviously add an element of 3D that is lacking elsewhere.
The main focus of the 3DS demo, though, was the new Pirate Duel aspect, although there was also the chance to quickly wander around building LEGO structures, an unusual part where an animal had to be ridden in a circle, and the opportunity to destroy anything in sight, which is always a great pleasure. In the official Press Release, the Pirate Duel element is classed as a mode whereby players cross swords with nearby 3DS owners that have played and stored the ‘Extra Data’ of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game on their SD cards, thus allowing for a StreetPass exchange to take place. Via the clever Sleep Mode function of the 3DS, automatic detection of other systems occurs and the LEGO pirate from a stranger’s game will appear in your version, ready and waiting to be battled against.
These Pirate Duel sparring sessions have players rapidly tapping the ‘B’ button to gain the upper-hand when swords clash, then following the on-screen prompts to block, then hack and slash away at the opponent until they succumb to your mighty strength. At this point, Play Coins are awarded that can be used to unlock other new characters for use in the main adventure. It has not been confirmed whether or not Play Coins earned via the 3DS pedometer will be available for use in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, but if the game draws from the Play Coins system actually built into the 3DS, then it would be unusual for it to block coins from other sources being used in-game.
Once victorious, the LEGO pirate under your control gains experience and when enough points have been accrued, eventually the player will start to increase in stature, climbing the power ranks and gaining new rewards such as extra health, new moves and even other characters. The Pirate Duels concept is a smart way to use StreetPass and goes to show that developers are working hard to find the best use of this facet of Nintendo's new 3DS hardware.
As for how 3D LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game is, the setting of the demo was not particularly conducive to showing off the true depth the parallax 3D imaging technique can bring to an adventure, but if LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is anything to go by, the main journey itself will be littered with fancy 3D effects that leave gamers stunned.
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game is shaping up to be yet another fantastic addition to the Nintendo 3DS library, and will give players the chance to explore environments from the highly acclaimed movie series across more than 20 different levels. The 3DS edition features some great little exclusive elements, and should also have the same two-player co-operative functionality of its home console versions (although this has not been confirmed yet). Anyone currently enjoying LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars on Nintendo 3DS should keep an eye on this as well when it arrives in May 2011.
By the way, what's next? LEGO Back To The Future? LEGO Jurassic Park?
What other famous trilogies do we have?
LEGO Lord of the Rings? They already did Harry Potter Years 1-4, so LotR seems possible to me.
( Edited 26.03.2011 23:41 by Mush123 )
LEGO Mario! Some sort of LEGO Nintendo game would be cool!
jesusraz said:LEGO Zelda!
LEGO Mario! Some sort of LEGO Nintendo game would be cool!
I'm quite intrigued by the upcoming LEGO Ninjago as well, but really wish there would be a LEGO Nintendo epic someday...
jesusraz said:
I'm quite intrigued by the upcoming LEGO Ninjago as well, but really wish there would be a LEGO Nintendo epic someday...
Just DS it seems...Perhaps it was so far into development that they just kept it on DS.
ok not here to talk about the lego game or games but I will talk about dead or alive Dimensions for the nintendo 3ds and it is FREAKING AWSOME just got it today it cameout yesterday I traded in so many games that I only had to pay 49 cents at gamestop like I said before the game is FREAKING awsome I see why it got an 9.2 and some even rate it a 10 if you own a 3ds run out and get this game trust me it so worth it omg the game is awsome so much better than any lego game . I don't get me wrong I love me some lego's but just in video game form all the lego video games were pretty lame but to each it own I am not hating on people who like to play lego video games their just not my cup of tea
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