Advance Wars: Under Fire (Hands On) (GameCube) Preview

By Alexi Messeramo 15.05.2004

E3 2004 is well underway and the games are flowing thick and fast. So far we have been greatly impressed by Nintendo's offerings, but totally forgot about this potential little gem on our way round the games. Probably a good thing we did, too...

Why this title isn't entitled 'Cube Wars' we will never know, but the name isn't really a factor in what is a very exciting and long-awaited franchise on the GameCube. Being developer by Kuju Entertainment, the UK based development house has certainly bought in a lot of new elements and features to make sure that this is not simply a full 3D version of what has already been on the GBA.

Screenshot for Advance Wars: Under Fire (Hands On) on GameCube

What is most shocking is the fact that the turn-based combat of the GBA titles has been abandoned in favour of a real-time engine. Many of you may be thinking this is a little bit ignorant on the behalf of the developers, but our initial impressions are very good indeed. Advance Wars: Under Fire is a fine title!

Screenshot for Advance Wars: Under Fire (Hands On) on GameCube

In the demo we were put in control of a small infantry unit, by jumping inside a tank by use of the B button you can perform all manner of commands and manoeuvres in order to win the battle. Whilst the control system can be quite confusing and busy at time, after a little while it all starts to make sense. The X button summons more tanks to you, you switch between units by hitting Z and you can assign tasks to units with the Y button.

Screenshot for Advance Wars: Under Fire (Hands On) on GameCube

The level we played was based in a beach environment. Due to the new real-time elements combat is very fast paced and hectic, you have to take delivery of cargo as it arrives, move troops, set formations and of course attack the enemy. It is a very intense and tricky experience, but one that we found to be very enjoyable indeed! A nice little touch is that for some of the more advanced units you need more than one man to make use of all functions, meaning you have to prioritise and really think on your feet.

Screenshot for Advance Wars: Under Fire (Hands On) on GameCube

Final Thoughts

We were very impressed with what we played. It was a well put together little package that showed the game to be a very promising title indeed. It looks very nice in motion, and there is loads happening on the screen. There is clearly a lot still being hidden away, what we played was only a snippet, but we can't wait for more!









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

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