Geist (GameCube) Preview

By James Temperton 15.06.2005

We played this game at the Post E3 Games Tour last year, so the chance to get our hands on it a year later into development was one we simply couldn't turn down. The game has certainly come a long way, fears of graphical simplicity and general awkward gameplay have been somewhat alleviated. What we played was a polished, unique and wonderfully intriguing title just begging to be investigated. We duly obliged...

What immediately strikes you about this game is how it is totally unique. The idea of being a spirit is not something that is dealt with much in games, especially in what is essentially a shoot-'em-up with similar styling to Metroid Prime. Now, we say that with a certain reluctance, as comparisons to a title that is widely considered to be one of the greatest ever are way off the mark when it comes to this game. Whilst the basic feel and approach to genre are similar, there are a number of factors that make Geist a bit of a let down. First up, the controls in the version we played were quite unresponsive, you use a combination of the main control stick and C-stick to move and strafe, which works well, but feels far too twitchy and awkward.

For example, we had to possess a security guard, to do this we possessed a phone and our ghost friend possessed a bin, a combination of both shaking and moving about of their own accord certainly gave him the willies and we were able to take control of his body and further infiltrate the base.

Where the game falls flat on its face is that it is too obscure and insular. The environments are very enclosed, leaving little opening for exploration, but the nature of the game calls for you to look about your surroundings. So, it is either painfully obvious what you have to do next, or totally mind-boggling. We spent about fifteen minutes in a room before we worked out what we had to possess and destroy, not because we're dumb, but because the task itself was unclear, confusing and didn't really make any sense.

Graphically, Geist has improved vastly over last year's build. There are more textures on display, a lot more detail and all the character models are up to the sort of standard we have all come to expect from top-tier GameCube titles. The game seems to be more plot driven than before, and there were some quite extensive cut-scenes in the version we played, but with this came one annoying aspect: loading times. We were always under the impression the GameCube wasn't meant to have them, but Geist delivers them in abundance which is annoying to say the least.

We were quite impressed with the single player experience of Geist, but it still leaves a number of questions unanswered. Whilst the possessing element of the game is an interesting one, the title lacks identity and at times feels like too many other games that have been on the market for years, if it is to fulfil its quote as an innovative and stunning title, it will need to discover a spark in terms of gameplay. The whole experience is good enough; it just feels stale and mediocre.

Multiplayer-wise, the same applies. We had a full five-minute, two-player deathmatch in the only arena the game would let us play, we were far from impressed. It seemed that whoever picked up the shotgun, won the game. One player had it for the first two minutes and picked up three kills, the other player had it for the rest of the match and picked up five. All other weapons became redundant. The arena too was fairly uninspiring. A two level maze that had no distinguishing features, meaning locating and chasing your enemy was confusing and annoying. It felt soulless, empty, boring and generally disappointing. Which sums up Geist quite concisely in our opinion.

Final Thoughts

It still feels unfinished, but Geist is due out in a matter of months. It lacks identity; we still can't work out exactly what it is meant to be or how we are meant to play it. The general cohesion of the title is all over the place, and nothing seems to be held together with any great confidence. Whilst some elements of play are fun and certainly innovative, this title needs some major last minute changes if it is to live up to its billing.






First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


It sounds damn interesting, but it's recieved several disappointing previews after this year's E3. Sad, because the idea of it is awesome.

Some of the possessions sound absolutely ridiculous, though. Paint?

Doesn't sound great, does it? Oh well, plenty of other Cube games to keep me occupied. :Smilie

"...the other player had it for the rest of the match and picked up five..."

...Meaning that Raz won! Smilie :tongue: Weird as hell game, that certainly drew my attention on a regular basis as I waited for my next move on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance to the side of James and his Geist exploits. I'd be planning my next move, then whilst waiting as it was carried out glance over at the action only to utter 'What the hell? You just possessed...paint!? This game is totally f*cked up!'


[ Edited by jesusraz On 2005/6/15 19:53 ]

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

hmm, can anyone say rental

Apart from Zelda, this was the only other GC bound game I was interested in. Ah well, I'll wait til finished code arrives.

My DS code for 42 classic games is 5026 2806 4140. Looking for people to play Rummy with. Feel free to PM your code. Also, anyone can add my Wii code if they like, PM me with yours too.

Certainly sounds interesting.


The one game I thought would make me foget about Ninty selling Rare and with them Pefect Dark.

There is still time so I'll just have to wait for the final review scores of the game.

I'll need to read reviews after it's released. This game has so much potential!!!
As long as the controls are touched up, I think I'll get it on release...unless something else stupid happens....

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I might get it no matter how bad it is, its diferent, and how many other games are there like this on the cube :p


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