No Port for FaceBreaker Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.05.2008 3

EA Canada have confirmed the upcoming Wii boxing sim will not be a port, with its own unique ground-up features.

The studio recently detailed the game in the upcoming Official Nintendo Magazine (UK).

In terms of game modes, controls, and gameplay we'll actually have a lot of stuff that the other systems won't.

Since day one, we knew that we were taking FaceBreaker to the Wii. And we've learned that in order to be successful on the Wii, you have to create an experience that you can only get on this platform.

So we chose to build just about everything from scratch specifically for the Wii. No port here folks. And for what it's worth, I believe that what FaceBreaker on the Wii lacks in super-duper, razzle-dazzle graphics, it more than makes up for by delivering a FaceBreakin' good time for you and your friends that you can only get on the Wii.

Thanks to CVG

Box art for FaceBreaker K.O. Party

EA Canada







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EA... not doing a port?! FOR WII?!! OMG!! Hell hath frozen over! Smilie Smilie

Hopefully FaceBreaker will turn out to be a great game. Smilie

I believe that what FaceBreaker on the Wii lacks in super-duper, razzle-dazzle graphics, it more than makes up for by delivering a FaceBreakin\' good time
And they won\'t half ass the graphics. Smilie

( Edited 09.05.2008 17:51 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

EA > Ubisoft.

I'm still shocked about it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I reckon this will turn out great. It looks like EA are putting some effort in through this, I hope the Wii version of Facebreaker turns out to be a classic in its own right.

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