Speed Racer Wii: First Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.05.2008 13

The first footage from the upcoming film to game conversion of the futuristic stunt-filled racing adventure, Speed Racer.

Speed Racer is a Wachowski brothers' live film adaptation of the 1960s Japanese anime of the same name. In development by Sidhe Interactive, well known for the PSP racer GripShift, is producing the title for Sony's PS2 and Nintendo's Wii and DS.

Speed Racer slides into stores on July 31, 2008 in Europe and May 6, 2008 in the US.

Box art for Speed Racer: The Videogame



Warner Bros.





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pfft, rip off of f-zero

Yeah, I thought that too.

It's based on a Hollywood movie of a 40 year old anime. Don't see why stuff like that has to be revived, especially by Hollywood of all things.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not bad, surprisingly okay.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was at the movie premiere for this shizzle in Leicester Square. It was very rainy that day.

Simez said:
I was at the movie premiere for this shizzle in Leicester Square. It was very rainy that day.

Any good? Or did Hollywood ruin something else?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks like one of those so-bad-it's-good sorta things. Kinda like The Matrix. Keanu was so corny but he was still badass.

Well considering that Wii don't have an F-zero title, then I for one aren't complaining. It looks pretty slick; I only hope the slow-mo collisions don't become wearisome after a while.

As for the film, I'm not sure how the dialogue or storyline holds up, but if you want one of the most visually stunning movies in years, then definatley give it a spin.

Ballpoint said:
Looks like one of those so-bad-it\'s-good sorta things. Kinda like The Matrix. Keanu was so corny but he was still badass.

Really? I thought he was just plain bad. :/

So-bad-it\'s-good = corny music. Best example is Super Sonic Racing or Sonic Boom. Smilie (And Snakes on a Plane? Havn\'t seen it, just from what I\'ve heard)

( Edited 04.05.2008 12:17 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Doesn't look that bad really. I still want me Fzero though.

@ Superlink

It was okay-ish. right outside my workplace there were flag waving girls in a T-shirts and hot pants freezing their asses off and getting wet an shizz.

I did get to see the main character, whatever his name is, Joel Silver (matrix producer), I don't know what the Wachowski bros. look like to know if I saw them or not. I wasn't too sure but it looked like John Goodman and I was a few feet away from Christina Ricci (work didn't let me get her autograph sadly), but she looked hot.
It was an average premiere and so was the Iron Man premiere even with the full Iron Man suit on display.

not mentioning how the movie is doesn't make me excited about it, Simez... *lol*

It looks surprisingly good, but I think we only saw some cutscene-work, not ingame-screens.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Interesting, Smilie


Yeah you tell em, Omegasend. Fucking mother fucking badass.

( Edited 06.05.2008 17:16 by Blade2t3 )

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