New Details on Disaster: Day of Crisis

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2008 20

Some new details from the upcoming Disaster: Day of Crisis have filtered in.

The game, once rumoured to be cancelled, seems to still be in development and some new story details have surfaced.

Players take the role of a chap known as Ray, who lost his friend amd co-worker Steve a year prior to current events. Ray attempts to rescue Steve's sister Lisa from Kidnappers but have to get through a series of natural disasters such as volcanoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. As well as searching for Lisa, he tries to stop a terrorist plot involving a nuclear bomb.

The nunchuck's analogue stick moves Ray about, whilst the remote with B-trigger acts as a pointer to use equipped items.

Disaster: Day of Crisis is due for release in July in Japan, and listed as 2008 in other regions.

Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (35 Votes)

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Guest 28.04.2008#1

This game is another one that caught my eye in ONM, it looked very promising but then nothing more was shown, the wii really needs more games for the mature gamer to be honest, so this is a step up from the generic mini-game collections (even the dressed up ones that look like a normal game) in my eyes.

I'm betting that it will be pushed back and showcased at E3 this year and then hit sometime this fall. If it were actually coming out in July, I feel that Nintendo would have given more details.

I'd like to say I'm excited about this game, but I still haven't seen enough to know. I hope it's good.

That description doesnt make it sound very serious.

Your dead best friends daughter is kidnapped and then you have to fight through volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes to save her and then stop a nuclear bomb aswell???

Kamakaze said:
That description doesnt make it sound very serious.

Your dead best friends daughter is kidnapped and then you have to fight through volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes to save her and then stop a nuclear bomb aswell???

Well... as realistic as a James Bond movie. And I like to watch them...
I look forward to this title, as it's another mature approach to Wii, which we lack. (was that even proper English?)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Guest 28.04.2008#5

Kamakaze said:
That description doesnt make it sound very serious.

Your dead best friends daughter is kidnapped and then you have to fight through volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes to save her and then stop a nuclear bomb aswell???

As unlikely as the storyline is it does sound like fun, and at least all these things are happenening one at a time...imagine trying to stop a nuke while inside a volcano, which contains a hurricane, during an earthquake.

I do like the graphical style of this game though, all the screenies I've seen make it look handrawn.

Kamakaze said:
That description doesnt make it sound very serious.

Your dead best friends daughter is kidnapped and then you have to fight through volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes to save her and then stop a nuclear bomb aswell???

I know, all we really want is a game where you have to drive to work keeping to the speed limit and road rules, work 8 hours a day, drive back, then watch some tv. How good would that be! Smilie

It's sounding more and more intruiging for sure. The best part is this:

The nunchuck's analogue stick moves Ray about, whilst the remote with B-trigger acts as a pointer to use equipped items.

Sounds like it won't be a mini-game structured story afterall, great news. Could be a very good Action Adventure game.

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If this turns into another hit, I don't think my wallet can tkae it... still need to buy guitar hero III, sonic, wii fit, brawl, metroid prime 3...

i have really high hopes for this game lets hope it live up to them

This has really got my attention. I'm really curious to see how it plays.

That's pretty much what we've known all along, except for the sister thing, that's new.

Have they been having development problems or something? I can't understand why Nintendo is keeping this release so quiet...

squeek said:
I know, all we really want is a game where you have to drive to work keeping to the speed limit and road rules, work 8 hours a day, drive back, then watch some tv. How good would that be! Smilie

Citizen Training!!! Smilie

Don't laugh, it could happen!

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

They're keeping it quiet because even Nintendo thinks that us hardcore have ditched Wii.

Wiill said:
That's pretty much what we've known all along, except for the sister thing, that's new.

Have they been having development problems or something? I can't understand why Nintendo is keeping this release so quiet...

Probably, and also the fact that it's apparently an experiment that if turns out well, could spawn another, bigger game.

Sounds like the plot of 24 Day8 to me.

Only it would be a terrorist volcano in their case.

Incidently, the fact that the Wii has Zack and Wiki alone makes it the most hardcore machine.

Keep your casual pretty graphics, and give my nasty-as-fuck brain busting puzzles any day :p

( Edited 28.04.2008 18:18 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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a new scan from some where

can u really out run the water XD and WTF bears too

Image for

xD it has the same controls as LoZTP.

Yeah, the controlls indeed point away from being completely minigame based.

So it might be either;

a) Explore area, basic item puzzle's, action sequences. (eg, like a point and click, but with freeroaming rather then static backdrops).

b) A liner set of progression in a platforming fashion mixed with minigames inbetween. (like prince of persia, only with sequences such as those from Re4).

c) Freeroaming zelda-esq adventure set in the modern era with the world falling to bits.

I'm betting b.
C is too much to hope for, and it hasnt has the budget or attention for such scope.
I actualy hope for a bit of item-puzzles (a), and some latteral thinking needed. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Sounds good, hopefully they'll be able to pull it off!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

imagine trying to stop a nuke while inside a volcano, which contains a hurricane, during an earthquake.

lol thats easy what about trying to stop a nuke inside a hurricane inside in a volcano durning an earthquake in an underground sea on the moon.

C is too much to hope for, and it hasnt has the budget or attention for such scope.

what? this could be on of their big games at E3

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