Rumor: Metroid Prime Trilogy Heading to Wii

By Shane Jury 28.04.2008 29

From, this rumor states that the trilogy pack will refine Primes 1 and 2 with Wii controls to equal those of the third game, and sell them all together as a full-priced title.

Word has it that a certain retailer had a SKU pop up in their computer systems for a Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii. What could this title be? Well, I would expect it to be Prime 1, 2, and 3 all on the Wii... but Prime 1 and 2 with all-new Wiimote controls. I love Metroid, but I really don't know if I would buy something like this. It would see a bit silly to pass it up, especially if you could get all 3 for $50.

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MP3 doesn't really look that much better than MP1 & 2 anyway... They would both pass as average Wii games in an instant (yes they looked amazing for GC games, except MP2, which was worse than MGS4 for colour variety)

Purple = The GC's version of super realistic
Brown = Next gen's version of super realistic.


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Its an OK idea for those that wanted to pick these up but never did. However, unless they make 1&2 with Wii controls, its worthless for those of us that already own all three games.

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

hopefully we get the prime 2 multiplayer then! (online maybe? and improved on?)

While it WOULD've been cool to play the first using the Wiimote, I already finished it. I don't have time to play new games let alone replay old ones. I would pass, but can see being great for people who missed out on the earlier ones, especially if its at a budget price.

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