No Price Cut for Wii Anytime Soon.

By Shane Jury 27.04.2008 23

Despite the recent price slash on the Xbox 360 consoles, Nintendo say no to the same treatment for Wii.

Even though the basic Xbox 360 package is now the cheapest system on the market, a key advantage Wii once held, Nintendo state that the overwhelming demand for their bestselling console makes any price-drop needless, according to N-Europe.

Also, highlighting this demand, the company have revealed that in the US, a Wii package sits on the shelf for an average of 90 seconds before it is promptly snatched up.

Do you feel that the console needs the cost-down treatment? Have your say below.

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Well it is FAR too expensive, but seen as it's obviously still selling you can't really blaim Nintendo.

You can't blame them- but you can't blame me for not buying it at it's current absurd price, either.

lol Nintendo are so greedy nowadays. Definitely not the old Nintendo *melancholy sniff of justice*

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Doesn't bother me. You only get ripped off if you buy a PAL one.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

"Okay lads, we're selling them faster than we can make them, we're releasing software that could've run happily on a Gamecube and we've just managed to convince everyone to go out and blow 70 notes on a set of scales..."

I'm surprised they haven't put the RRP up.

Less posty, more gamey.

Grumbro said:
Doesn't bother me. You only get ripped off if you buy a PAL one.

Free Wii Points isn't bad tho.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well there isnt any need for a price drop just yet as they said. Why on earth drop it, most places still sell out of stock!

Especially with the pending release of Brawl people will still buy one!

Ahhh.... if you believe if it's actually two gamecubes packed together, you have to check the thing again: In term of horsepower maybe, but in terms of electric consumption is like a quarter of a Cube. That technology advance too, you know that?

I'm not familiar with the European currency rates, but I know Wii is a great deal here in the States.

I personally believe it'd be a very bad idea to drop Wii's price tag at this point in time. Despite ramping up production, Nintendo still can't keep up demand at it's current price tag. Can you imagine the mad rush to get a Wii that would ensue if they were to drop the price? As if there weren't already millions of upset potential Wii owners storming out of electronic shops because they're still sold out. Yikes.

People still believe Wii is basically a couple GC's taped together, eh? Ouch. I guess you can blame that train of thought on the sheer amount of lackluster 3rd party efforts Wii has been shoveled with. Lazy, bias, whatever. 3rd parties just need a good kick in the nuts.

Wii is about 3x more powerful and 20% more efficient in processing power than GameCube. And as we've seen in Mario Galaxy & Metroid Prime 3, is capable of some stunning graphics at smooth framerates.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Looks like it's no Wii for me anytime soon then.

GinnyN said:
Ahhh.... if you believe if it's actually two gamecubes packed together, you have to check the thing again: In term of horsepower maybe, but in terms of electric consumption is like a quarter of a Cube. That technology advance too, you know that?

That was probably the weakest defending of the Wii I've read.

SuperLink said:
Grumbro said:
Doesn't bother me. You only get ripped off if you buy a PAL one.

Free Wii Points isn't bad tho.

What's all this? Free? I'm interested.

I don't think anyone is fucking arguing that from a business point of view a price drop is not needed. And it has basically 2 Gamecubes stuck together. If you can't see why you much be blind. Just like the 360 is 10 Xbox'x stuck together, or whatever the power ratio is Smilie

MechaG2 said:
People still believe Wii is basically a couple GC's taped together, eh?

That's an old comparison. It's more like 12 N64s. Or 73 ngages. 394 sandwich toasters.

Less posty, more gamey.

There's no need to drop it in my eyes also, although I would like to see the first official bundle soon.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
What's all this? Free? I'm interested.

4000 European Club Nintendo Stars = 1000 Wii Points.

Bit of a rip off but still technically free.

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Company 'some company' who has been selling out of their product 'X' for 18 months, says they will not reduce the price of it.

How is this news? It doesn't matter how much the competitors consoles are until the price of them hurts the sales.

They could sell the Wii for a lot less and still make money, but they won't until they need to. The only thing Nintendo will be thinking is that they should have started at a higher price in the US, as the continued high price on ebay since launch has proved people would have paid more for it.

Black one may be released soon, and some pack-in with WiiFit, and maybe Mario galaxy/kart.

Surprise, surprise, Knighty and Oni are falling over themselves trying to be the first to put down the Wii.

I guess when you are at the top you'll always have your jealous detractors. Sour grapes really. They bought RRODs.


That's Nintendo laughing all the way to the bank. Lower the price? Hell no. Best bang for the buck already. No need to change for any foreseeable future.

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

artmonkey said:
MechaG2 said:
People still believe Wii is basically a couple GC's taped together, eh?

That's an old comparison. It's more like 12 N64s. Or 73 ngages. 394 sandwich toasters.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

BlueRocks said:
Surprise, surprise, Knighty and Oni are falling over themselves trying to be the first to put down the Wii.

I guess when you are at the top you'll always have your jealous detractors. Sour grapes really. They bought RRODs.


That's Nintendo laughing all the way to the bank. Lower the price? Hell no. Best bang for the buck already. No need to change for any foreseeable future.

Say what? No other console in the world would ever break. Especially not Nintendo's very reasonably priced wonder machine.

Kangaroo_Kid said:

Say what? No other console in the world would ever break. Especially not Nintendo\'s very reasonably priced wonder machine.

Keep reading...

It makes coffee, too!

( Edited 29.04.2008 13:00 by BlueRocks )

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.


What? They fixed it?

All I'm trying to say is in your original post you singled out Graeme and Martin for 'putting down the Wii' when they said it was overpriced (which it is) even though there were about half a dozen who agreed with them.

Then you go on to do the exact same thing by throwing shit on the 360 by laughing at how they break down so often, when the machine your trying to defend did the exact same thing not even a month ago.

That to me just defines contradictory. Oh and fanboyism.

Why drop the price? Nintendo would be foolish to do so.

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

Then you go on to do the exact same thing by throwing shit on the 360 by laughing at how they break down so often, when the machine your trying to defend did the exact same thing not even a month ago.

what you were just throwing shit on the wii kangaroo kid now your giving out to bluerocks for it, hypocrite. ya thats only one example i bet i could find hundreds of xbox 360 complaints on the web or alot more than wii complaints anyway.

nintendo shouldn\'t have had the wii at such a high price in the first place they totally ripped us all off.

( Edited 30.04.2008 20:14 by iangennery )

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