Sega Blogger Unleashes Sonic

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.04.2008 14

A Sega blogger has given some feedback on a quick hands-on with the upcoming Sonic Unleashed.

Despite the likelihood of being a little biased, his impressions seem fair and honest. The summary comes from an Xbox 360 build that's quite deep into development, but needs polishing.

  • There's speed, and lots of it. Those of you wanting 2D

  • Box art for Sonic Unleashed

    Sonic Team




    3D Platformer



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    Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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    Not all bumpers work in Sonic's favour?

    I hope he means this was done on purpose. On Sonic 2006 half of the bumpers actually didn't bounce you in the right direction, and half of the time you fell uncontrollably to your death while missing your destination by miles.

    Bumpers sending you flying into spikes and enemies makes it sound a little more well thought out, so you can't just speed through the whole stage, you've gotta think too.

    That being said, I have hope, just not much.

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    It does sound OK. I think if they mix the best of Sonic 2D as well as mix in the best elements from the Wii game it should be a good game.

    Here's hoping, again.

    When was the last truly great Sonic game?

    Sonic Rush on the DS.

    But if you didn\'t like any of the Sonic Rush series or the Advance series (for whatever reason)... then Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

    To me this is Sonic Team\'s way of saying \"I give up without even trying\".

    Sonic doesn\'t have to be 2D to be good. The 3D formula could be great with just a little effort, which none of them have. They are all completely glitch ridden with usually shit controls and camera. These are all things that can be fixed with the effort.

    Sonic Team made a game that was 10milx worse than a last gen game, and thought \"That\'s it, we can\'t make Sonic 3D, the fans agree.\"


    ( Edited 26.04.2008 12:07 by SuperLink )

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    I loved Sonic Adventure 2 Battle even tho it had some slight camera issues... It was a great game nevertheless

    "Sonic doesn't have to be 2D to be good. "

    What makes you so sure of that?
    Maybe the formular just dosnt work in 3d.

    2D gameplay with 3d sections seems perfect, imo. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Darkflame said:
    What makes you so sure of that?
    Maybe the formular just dosnt work in 3d.

    Because Sonic Adventure was good. Now it's outdated and it was indeed glitch ridden.

    The point I'm trying to make is, if Shigeru Miyamoto worked on a 3D Sonic game, it would be brilliant. Sonic Team have never put real effort into a 3D Sonic game. They could be so much better, but cruel fate has it that Sonic will forever be owned by shitty developers.

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    But mario is more about exploration and puzzle-solving.

    Not there there isnt any exploration in sonic, but its not quite the same thing. I think sonics harder to convert. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    No, really. Sonic Team are awfuly dev. If you\'ve played any of their other games you\'d be able to tell.

    How can you ruin a game like NiGHTS that was so excellent when it was released on the Saturn all those years ago? Very easy to ruin, and made by Sonic Team. From what I heard they even ruined the Phantasy Star series.

    Trust me, if any other company had a better go at a 3D Sonic, it could be great. Sonic Adventure on the DC was great, Sonic Team just lack whatever the hell they need to iron out the bugs that should never even make it into a \"finished\" game.

    Sonic isn\'t harder to convert, and there is no proof suggesting so, because it\'s not a fair test.

    ( Edited 27.04.2008 00:09 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    No, really. Sonic Team are awfuly dev. If you've played any of their other games you'd be able to tell.

    How can you ruin a game like NiGHTS that was so excellent when it was released on the Saturn all those years ago? Very easy to ruin, and made by Sonic Team. From what I heard they even ruined the Phantasy Star series.

    Trust me, if any other company had a better go at a 3D Sonic, it could be great. Sonic Adventure on the DC was great, Sonic Team just lack whatever the hell they need to iron out the bugs that should never even make it into a "finished" game.

    Sonic isn't harder to convert, and there is no proof suggesting so, because it's not a fair test.

    don't get me started on how they ruined the phantasy star series... But sonic biggest 3d problem is the camera... sonic and the secret rings was great because there was hardly any need for the camera to move... In my opion sasr was.. no is there best 3-D sonic game to date... but the 2D sonic games still rule...
    (i'm stuck on launchpad on sonic 3)

    hmmm I wonder how sonic games would be if nintendo (or someone else) were to get the rights to sonic.

    That's what I dream very often. Or just SEGA taking notice of what's happening to their dear mascot and acting on the losers at Sonic Team.

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    I heard Dimps (Sonic Rush Devs) are working on the Wii version of Unleashed. Which is of course awesome.

    I heard Dimps (Sonic Rush Devs) are working on the Wii version of Unleashed. Which is of course awesome.

    good if it\'s true, pity i lost my sonic rush game it was actually good.

    ( Edited 30.04.2008 20:20 by iangennery )

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