Ubisoft Announce Q2 Euro Wii/DS Dates

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.04.2008 9

Ubisoft have sent over a handful of new European dates for Wii/DS games.

  • Emergency Heroes (Wii, June)
  • Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (DS, June)
  • Midnight Play Pack (DS, June)
  • Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (Wii, Q1 2008)
  • My Health Coach/Weight Management (DS, Summer 08)
  • Imagine: Figure Skating (DS, Q2 2008)
  • Soul Calibur Legends (Wii, Q2 2008)
  • Animal Genius (DS, Q2 2008)
  • Farm Life (DS, Q2 2008)

    There's a fair few interesting titles in the company's forthcoming line-up, including the much sought after Brothers in Arms, the impressive portable conversion of Ninja Gaiden and the surprisingly interesting Emergency Heroes bringing arcade action to the Wii.

    Fans of all things animals could nab a copy of a selection of DS farm games.

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    Ninja Gaiden! Yeah!


    Hold on, why are Ubisoft releasing SoulCalibur Legends? Isn't that supposed to be Namco Bandai?

    In other news, no Zs. I don't believe it.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    im not sure, either way soul callibur ledgends si shit so i aint getting it. im just really looking towards figure skating ds !!

    Trepe said:
    Ninja Gaiden! Yeah!


    Great game, just make sure you play on the hard difficulty setting after completing the game. Otherwise it's a great but short lived experience much like God Of War on the PSP.

    SuperLink said:
    Hold on, why are Ubisoft releasing SoulCalibur Legends? Isn't that supposed to be Namco Bandai?

    In other news, no Zs. I don't believe it.

    Ubisoft publish Soul Calibur in Europe Smilie
    I think Nintendo published SC2 (GC).

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Ubisoft publish Soul Calibur in Europe Smilie
    I think Nintendo published SC2 (GC).

    Nope, at least not on my copy, it only says Liscenced by Nintendo, which is shown on most Nintendo games anyway.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    What happened to Red Steel 2, is it still in production?
    I need a good FPS on the wii.

    L said:
    What happened to Red Steel 2, is it still in production?
    I need a good FPS on the wii.

    Agreed - I really hope we see something this year. Online RS2 would be great!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I thought Brothers In Arms Wii was said to be shit? Isn't it just a port of a 3 year old PS2 game?

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