Boom Blox for other Formats?

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.04.2008 13

The Steven Spielberg produced Boom Blox may appear on other formats after its Wii debut.

EA's Amir Rahimi, senior producer on Boom Blox, recently spoke during the company's casual game event, noting that once the project's finished, "the sky's the limit. There's definitely the possibility of going to other consoles." He event exclaimed that the team feel that it's perhaps the most realistic and unique use of physics in a game - ever.

Boom Blox stacks up in stores on May 9th 2008.

Box art for Boom Blox

Steven Spielberg







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Can it work on other consoles other than the wii and ds. i mean, this is one game where analogue control would be inferior to the wii's pointer and motion sensing. It just wouldn't feel right.

Doh, he's such an idiot.


Goodbye Boom Blox sales.

(I'm sure they can make it work with regular controllers by the way.)

Pfft. What idiots.

360/PS3 get some emotional beautiful game about a bird or something, and Wii gets absolute nada. This is just another multiplatform title now. Nothing special anymore. Well done.

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It's no big deal whether it's exclusive or not, it's said to be a great game and that should be all that matters.

Other console versions will lack the same quality of manipulation and immersion. I would much rather use a Wii remote than use a strength gage on a conventional controller for throwing.

So Wii's getting "LMNO" then, right? Oh didn't think so.

But Wii's end of the deal is cut short, unless that emotional thing comes to Wii.

Speilburg did not keep his end of the bargain. Bad Speilburg.

And if it's EA fault, then Speilburg should demand that everyone in EA be fired.

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Obviously EA have worked out this will sell big time and that other consoles means more money. I doubt their going back on an exclusive deal with Nintendo, after all, Nintendo will want money for a broken contract. Fact is this was never an exclusive but a title only planned for one console, but the door was left open.

PC maybe, a mouse is also a fine pointer.

Wouldnt work with a stick though.
(ditto for stuff like Zack and Wiki)

I more want HeadTracking then an exclusive :p

Heck, exclusives suck anyway.
If its *designed* for the Wii, I dont care what happens after.

( Edited 23.04.2008 23:51 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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SuperLink said:
Pfft. What idiots.

360/PS3 get some emotional beautiful game about a bird or something, and Wii gets absolute nada. This is just another multiplatform title now. Nothing special anymore. Well done.

Yes, I think you are right, Superlink. And to fuck off core-Nintendo-fanboys by telling the end of an exclusive deal of a - methinks - great game, is a bad thing to do.
A shame, that Wii further gets ripped of a great exclusive title and a casual reason to buy only Wii...
I hope and think control scheme will be unique and be important. I want to use Wiimote for destruction, no 3 buttons and a digi-cross.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Some of you say exclusivity doesn't matter. Maybe not for you or 500,000 other people, but it does for 2 million or so.

What SuperLink and Laurelin say are good examples. People feel insulted that their promised exclusive is being ported over. So they're boycotting the game, even if that means they're cutting in their own flesh.

It's stupid, but that's how it works. Especially with Nintendo fans.

With the Wii, you have to treasure every good exclusive you get.

Microsoft: \"So what good third party games are on Wii?\"

Nintendo: \"Well, we\'ve got RE4, Boom Blox, and Okami\"

Microsoft: \"But they\'re all on other consoles too!\"

Nintendo: \"Oh noes I fail!\"

Sony: \"Yeah git a pee ess free it haz betr GOODGRAFX�.\"

Instead of getting an exclusive, it\'s like Nintendo have lost a whole game. If Boom Blox makes it to all platforms, then Wii will be the only one without LMNO, and nothing instead, contrary to what was originally intended.

( Edited 24.04.2008 10:57 by SuperLink )

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No, it simply does not matter.
The majority of buyers just dont care. (&or dont even know)

And why on earth should even hard core gamers care?

Why does depriving others of a game make your gaming expirence better?

Seriously,answer it.

I understand if it wasnt designed for your system...that means your getting an inferiour product and have a right to complain.
But if its designed for your system and ported, it dosnt effect the game at all.

Every company has a right to try to make the most money they can from the effort they put into it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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But it hurts Nintendo\'s reputation. Nintendo will continue to lose exclusives and therefore lose games. It\'ll be just as bad as the PS3. The Wii is different from GC in that it\'s so different from the competition that it can\'t live as well off multiplatform games.

\"Why buy a Wii? 360 & PS3 have the same games with better graphics and more content.\"

And the controller doesn\'t warrent preference over one version enough for me. Not at all. It probably won\'t be a port, the physics and graphics will all be updated, and it will have dlc. The Wii version will look inferior.

If Nintendo don\'t get their act together and start making more amazing exclusives like Galaxy, then the Wii will have nothing over the other consoles. Wii loses the gen, perhaps not in sales, but every hardcore gamer will know it\'s selection sucks.

It\'s a slippery slope.

( Edited 24.04.2008 11:15 by SuperLink )

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