Gyrostarr On-Route to WiiWare

By Shane Jury 23.04.2008 7

Speaking to IGN, High Voltage Software reveal some of the features of Gyrostarr. It is a Sci-Fi Shooter and will support up to four players over 50 levels.

Special Weapons-wise, there is a wide range, such as the triple-shot, the tesla-shot, lighting-short, and charged shot. Also, you can gain defensive bonuses, too, such as the indestructible shield and a power-up that temporarily slows enemies down.

For controls, you are given the choice of Wiimote + Nunchuk or just Wiimote, and either Motion or Buttons for input.

Gyrostarr seems to run in both 480p and 16:9 widescreen modes and features an electronica-influenced soundtrack that seems well-suited to the on-screen action. The game will reportedly cost 700 Wii Points.

A Video of the game in action is below;

Be sure to check out screenshots of the title in our Gallery.

Thanks to Demoni Rakkausenkeli for the tip.

Box art for Gyrostarr

High Voltage


High Voltage





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It looks nice.

that looks like fun!

fresh or at least great art of style! Very good. a bit like Ikaruga in feeling, but entirely different in playing. That's another game on my list.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Our member of the week

Looks like a tube shooter. Remembers me of Gyruss, which is an excellent reference so i'll keep an eye on this one.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It looks good but if it does not have the option to imput your own dance music it will be disappointing. So many games I play of a similar like now allow for that.

Tempest Fzero cool. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Well, after that trailer and learning that it would sell for 700 Wii Points, it's pretty much a must buy for me... unless SOMETHING just ends up being plain wrong with gameplay...

So, after seing this trailer for their Wiiware game and the trailer for the tech to be used in The Conduit, do you feel High Voltage Software can deliver on their promise of great gameplay and high quality graphics on Wii?

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