3 Wiiware titles from Konami

By Shane Jury 19.04.2008 6

In the press release for Saku Saku Animal Panic, that will be renamed Critter Round-Up for the states, two more titles were mentioned, Crescendo and Fresco Beach.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. - April 17, 2008 - Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced plans to bring the first of several Wiiware titles developed for North America. Known as Saku Saku Animal Panic in Japan, Critter Round-Up will be Konami's first Wiiware title in North America.

Developed by Los Angeles, CA-based Epicenter Studios, Critter Round-Up is a puzzle game for up to four players. Players are challenged with building fences to separate different critter species into their own area, while avoiding predators and other mischievous animals attempting to stop you from rounding them up. Players can corral exotic critters from five environments encompassing 50 levels, with gameplay modes including a co-op Adventure Mode as well as special co-op challenges for up to four players. There's also a Marathon Mode that supports up to four layers on a nearly infinite number of levels, as well as a collection of Critter Games, an entertaining selection of mini games such as Snowball Soccer and Predator Rampage.

Critter Round-Up is the first of several planned Wiiware titles to be distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Future planned releases include Crescendo (working title), a musical experience fused with quick, frantic action of classic arcade action, and Fresco Beach (working title), a game where players create their own sandcastles and maintain their structure amidst the dangers of the beach.

Critter Round-Up is rated "E" for Everyone by the ESRB.

Critter Round-up is Zoo-keeper-esque, and will support four players across three gameplay modes.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

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The beach game is one of the shittiest ideas in gaming EVER! Smilie

Guest 19.04.2008#2

Hmm I don't see where you're coming from, seems like a worthwhile idea to me.

I like the sand castle one Smilie

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Yeah, I actually think the sand castle one sounds the most interesting of the bunch personally! Smilie

Fresco Beach (working title), a game where players create their own sandcastles and maintain their structure amidst the dangers of the beach.

I wonder if any onf the dangers are crabs, or other people in which you can savatage there castles by chucking crabs at them.

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Sounds good if they came in one big compilation or something, but definitely wouldn't pay full price for this!!

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