Wii Cheerleading - First Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2008 8

Namco Bandai revealed their cheerleading sim for Wii during the Editors' Day 2008, it's time to shake those pom-poms.

Those expecting realistic women strutting their stuff would be a little disappointed.. The game features a range of tunes to shake your booty to, with Wii remote waggling set to impress living-room audiences around the world.

Box art for We Cheer








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Good grief more dire crap from Namco, Mario Sluggers looks crappy also..

The little boy at the end of the first railer made me laugh. Smilie

Looks like it works quite well, I'm sure younger girls will be very interested in this. The character style reminds me of those Bratz dolls.

Hmm - not exactly the best game in the world, unfortunately it will sell to its audience and we'd probably see a few more similar games.

Come on Namco Bandai... give us the real goodies already.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

"Mario Sluggers looks crappy also.."

I mean, the one thing thats crying out for since day1 was a expansive baseball game with the same controlls as Wii sports.

But what do they do?
Remove the sharp, skillfull, accurate and easy to understand 1:1 controlls and replace it with a waggle-to-hit action.

Are developers trying to miss-use the wii remote at every optunity?
You have 3 axis's sensativity there, aside from ball-rolling games its not used as such.

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Yeah I sure hope that they let Camelot do Mario Tennis/Golf and that they do a great job with it...

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My first thought (before watching the videos) was: Arrgh.

But, after watching the videos, if the controls map as smoothly as they appear to, this could be a decently fun game, for the right audience.

The onscreen indicators actually seem very similar to Elite Beat Agents (I would suspect that game was inspirational to the designers for this game).

Not that I'm interested in a Cheerleading game, but I bet there's a lot of preteen girls (and probably a few boys) that will be.

Oh dear god help us...

Looks... enjoyable I guess.

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