Rising Star Announce Baroque for Euroland

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.04.2008 7

Rising Star Games have announced that the Atlus PS2/Wii roleplaying game will be heading to Europe in June.

Baroque sees the burdens of a young chap who's committed sin but doesn't remember how or why. He's lost his memories, can't speak and wanders a deserted city. An angel appears and tell him that he has the ability to purify Meta-Beings.

Unfortunately, it didn't do so well in Japan - selling a mere 660 copies on release. According to Wii Fanboy, the game is set for release on June 27th 2008.

Box art for Baroque








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date Feb 2008   Japan release date 2008   Australian release date TBA   

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Very disappointing indeed, it looked like a good game by Atlus, OK fair enough if it was a PS2 port but it has bags of a cool Gothic style which I liked.

I think they should release a Shin Megame Tensei Collection on Wii, that would surely sell. Atlus have a great back catalogue of games to draw upon, of course I would much prefer new games but if the market is going to react like this they should play safe, and with quality.

( Edited 13.04.2008 10:16 by Linkyshinks )

RSG also has Super Swing Golf for June as well...the week prior I think. Plus there's Rune Factory and Harvest Fishing that month. Busy time for the UK branch of Marvelous! Lux Pain is on the way later this year as well, plus Flower, Sun and Rain. RSG's quickly becoming one of my fave publishers!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

660?! That's a shame. I'm not surprised it's coming over to Europe then. They should also sell it as "Coca Cola" if they want to start getting any revenue from it =/

jesusraz said:
RSG also has Super Swing Golf for June as well...the week prior I think. Plus there's Rune Factory and Harvest Fishing that month. Busy time for the UK branch of Marvelous! Lux Pain is on the way later this year as well, plus Flower, Sun and Rain. RSG's quickly becoming one of my fave publishers!

Flower, Sun and Rain is one I am really looking forward to as a Suda fan. It looks very interesting, sort of like 215. I hope it's a good game, the DS really needs some badly.

wow, great. I already plan to buy this.
Unfortunately it did so poorly in Japan. Shame!

Yes, I bought two Shin Megami Tensei (meaning Digital Devil Saga) for PS2 and am impressed with the cool style of this games. I have to play them some further, thou...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Wow, 660 copies and it's still coming out over here while a game like ToI is not. Makes me sad.

sorry for reactivating this oooold thread, but I just reminded this title over at http://www.cubed3.com/news/12847 and was astounded that unbeknownest to the public this gamewa released almost a year ago. I was searching for it and found the english version on Amazon through a reseller for 17 EUR. Shame, it totally bombed, i fear.

I think for 17 EUR, you can get it and look over it's flaws, because it seems to be a storytelling uniqueness.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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