Rumour: Animal Crossing Wii in December?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2008 14

An interesting image from the 2008 Club Nintendo calendar could suggest a December release for Animal Crossing Wii.

According to Kotaku, the calendar is themed with Mario Kart Wii in April, and has a swanky image of Animal Crossing for December.

Image for Rumour: Animal Crossing Wii in December?

This has lead some to speculate that Animal Crossing may just be on the way this fall. That said, it's more than likely coincidence, but we wouldn't put it past Nintendo..


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Possible I guess.

I remember when I got the calender from NOM back in late 2005/early 2006, and the December picture was of a right-handed Link. When TP launched with the Wii, I wondered if NOM had known all along...

( Edited 10.04.2008 15:17 by Phoenixus )

It's possible, but a coincidence wouldn't be improbable.

I expect Animal Crossing late this year/early next year anyway.

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I was thinking October in Japan, December in the US, and the UK and Europe in January.

Could this be the big new title thats coming out near the end of this year? Was hoping for a new starfox game but if this is it then that would be pretty cool Smilie

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I can't see AC coming over here until this time next year

Animal Crossing is clearly the holiday game Reggie was mentioning - so this is no biggie.

I think this is THE game for the Wii during the Christmas period.

That seems reasonable, mainly because ive heard no news of this ever since it was first mentioned years ago.

I want that calendar.

And I want it to happen at xmas but I'm not going to hold my breath. They haven't released anything yet, and December is only 8 months away. Surely they'd want as much publicity for it as possible?

Yep, it's sounding more & more likely. Still, why would Reggie say it was so huge? I don't think there has been something like that about previous AC games... maybe due to the phenominal sales in the west?

I would've liked a Starfox game the most... or Pikmin 3... but Animal Crossing is still good. Smilie It's no Starfox but I'll definitely get it.

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SuperLink said:
Yep, it's sounding more & more likely. Still, why would Reggie say it was so huge? I don't think there has been something like that about previous AC games... maybe due to the phenominal sales in the west?

It's the fact that this is the game where online is what AC will be centered on and a very important aspect. The possibilites are endless and if done right can make AC enormous. I'm excited myself to see what they do and hopefully shit like FC codes and limited communication will not hinder the experience.

I would hope to think that this is not a rumor. If it is then they should make a sequal for DS instead. It should be a lot bigger than the on for DS and have more characters. It should also be online. Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Could be a global launch if they really want to push this game as thegame for gamers and the new Wii/DS community Nintendo have built.

i hope it comes out soon but i think it will come out near the end of the year

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