Atlus Bring new Trauma Center to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2008 5

The latest edition of Nintendo power has revealed details on the sequel to Atlus's Trauma Center for Nintendo DS.

Dr. Stiles and his gorgeous assistant nurse Angie Thompson star once more, according to DS Fanboy, are out to clean up the world after the effects of the GUILT virus. Atus haven't revealed any new tools for the sequel, however have noted that existing ones will have improved functionality. For those finding the original a tad hard the sequel sees improved difficulty with an easy mode.

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 is due to head into stores in summer 2008.

Box art for Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2








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... O_O


YUSH!! >=D

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Prepare to be frustrated all over again!

Don\'t know whether Trauma Center is the kind of game for sequels, since most fo the operations in the last game were the same over and over.

( Edited 01.04.2008 13:23 by Kangaroo_Kid )

Haven't finished the first one yet...too hard. Smilie
I should really try to pick it up again...

Too frustrating for moi, I will stick to the Wii versions.

Will they come out with a Wii version?! My DS is STILL broken!

I still can't get past the last boss of the true last boss in the first...

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